Female Misogyny and the Cuddle

[Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
edited November 2019 in General

Miso is from the Greek : hatred. Gyne : woman. Female Misognists: Women who hate, dislike or distrust other women.
There are five attitudes and behaviors I wish to address in this thread that raises the question of whether or not women are showing dislike for or distrust of or simple will full misunderstanding of one another in the Cuddle experience. I've intentionally put them in the form of questions. It's not a judgement. It's a call to evaluate.

1.Do we always expect women to be nice and pleasant towards us in their interactions with us?
2. Do we reach out more to men than we do women?
3.Do we ignore and/ or are antagonistic toward a new woman in the community?
4.Do we tolerate flirtatious, playful self deprecating behaviors in men that we would never tolerate in a woman?
5. Do we tend to be more supportive of men when they bare their soul and turn our noses up at a woman for doing the same thing?

If we answered honestly we may very well be practicing misogyny towards each other and not know it. In the same way some of us practice misandry toward men. That's for another thread. I'm highly self critical and self judgemental. I do that to myself every day. And I think I'm at times just as highly critical of fellow women. Not necessarily intentionally. But by my own go to default of myself. That can sometimes make me distrustful of women. And if I'm doing that, I believe if I were to be honest with myself I'll be answering yes to at least one or some of those questions above. In the age of social media and the unique universe of cuddling in an environment where we are outnumbered by men, I thought it might be useful for one to look within at our own attitudes and behaviors towards one another and ourselves as women. Especially since this is an accusation we often throw at our men.


  • Stirring the pot. Not much else to do on a 32 degree day.

  • We should ALL treat others as we'd want to be treated (although, I've reported several "cuddlers" off this site who wanted FAR MORE than just to cuddle). This isn't a dating site, nor is it a "friend finding" site. It's a COMFORT site and if not used as such, the cuddler probably shouldn't "be" here. Your post is focused on a social issue and this isn't necessarily a "social" site. I have multiple established cuddle buddies I don't talk to while cuddling, because I enjoy their warmth, but there's nothing going on between their ears!

    Don't turn this site into something it's not or something it doesn't have to be! Yes this is only ONE discussion thread, but this topic of misogyny is only going to open the door for others to pull in more "social" issues. I don't use this site to be social. I use this site for comfort. It's going to be less "comforting" if every time I log in, I have to see something about a topic related to some social problem. Cuddling is a "mental break" and raising questions like "Which gender's mistreating which and in what way and why?" isn't a "mental break" type topic. There's a time and a place and a forum on this site isn't it! It's going to get political and nasty REAL quick..!

  • People can be : unpleasant to those who are different, if there are limited resources and "charity begins at home" ; or over critical of those who are similar, because we fear being tarred by the same brush.
    Sometimes people just seek an excuse to be unpleasant, and everyone is either similar enough, or different enough ; to be in the firing line of one of those barrels. The trick is to recognise when the unpleasantness is simply for its own sake, and there is really no way to rationalise it.

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    @great_pillow08 . Thanks for your comments. And as someone on a similar site to this said in a post to me several days ago: "Embrace the anchor; Be the anchor" . In other words you want "comfort type, mental break" topics throw them out there. Engage the community on cuddle related topics that speak to where most persons on this site are at emotionally and mentally.
    As for stirring the pot, any and everything can become political and downright nasty on this site. Even topics that scream neutrality. Just yesterday two persons were arguing intensely with one another over the correct use of the term 'chivalry' in a thread about a Netflix Christmas movie!
    And who decides what is appropriate to talk about in any social media forum? A few weeks ago I started a discussion thread on such a topic. I asked the community what topics would make for good discussion on this forum. Hardly anyone responded. As usual a few posters turned the discussion thread into their own intellectual playground. So you either embrace the anchor of what you have or be an anchor to what you want. You choose.

  • [Deleted User]rheaah (deleted user)

    @Bles, thank you for bringing this up.

    I recently called out someone regarding 'happenstance gossip' about a fellow cuddler who allegedly shared something in confidence to others, and now is alleged to be viewed upon 'disfavorably'.

    Upon immediately confronting the issue with a question that gave a challenge to helping the struggling woman, the female teller of this news backpedaled trying to recover innocence claiming to not being part of gossip. Not sure why she went through the trouble to tell me in the first place, as if to be baited in backbiting a woman I never knew, I didn't fall for it.

    We should not be having conversations like this at all regardless of the plumbing people have or whatever issue the person is struggling with. Either help them be better by bringing up the obvious and offering help, stop talking behind their backs and smiling in their faces.

    Women talk about men not respecting us, but we all need to learn to respect ourselves and look out for each other, that's what will stop the misogyny and all types of hatred for that matter.

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited November 2019

    @rheaah you're most welcome. I so appreciate your thoughtful comment. And I totally agree with you. As it partly speaks to the sentiment I felt from some of my fellow women on this site.

    And most importantly it speaks to a belief I have that we women are the part of the system that keeps Misogyny alive. We a part of the reason males can never as a group truly appreciate one another and cuddle with one another.
    We enforce and reinforce the same stereotypes of what it means to be woman/man, male/female in the way we think of ourselves, engage each other and our men, raise our children and handle our problems. If true change is going to happen in the way our men see and treat us it can only come from how we assess our way of thinking and acting toward each other as females/ women/sisters/mother's/wives/ girlfriends/ souls.

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