Something I Never Expected

edited December 2019 in General

On here I've typically used Paid Cuddlers because most women on here are after all. Of course it's separate from my dating life. Well there is this lady I met on a dating site. During our first conversation I actually mentioned about cuddling and how I've paid for it sometimes. Well we met and had coffee today and the conversation came up again, I brought it up of course. She said that she'd like to hang out soon and it open to cuddling and is enjoying getting to know me.

For her it's that there's lots of Netflix movies she's planning on watching and would appreciate the company. Nothing else expected. This could be great for me to have a cuddle buddy, possible friend and who knows where it could lead but no expectations. Just thinking of the thousands spend here over the past 2 years since my divorce so this would help, haha. Just keeping it real and it's nice to know that people outside of this community are open to the idea of cuddling, just in general. Especially during Winter!


  • Perhaps a hidden benefit of this site, is that it allows people to "start the conversation".
    "Hi, I'm X, and I am a cuddle-holic."

  • It works like that with me too. I find that cuddle culture carries over into all of my associations with people ultimately attracting to myself other tactile friends and companions. I have 3 cuddle partners I found outside of CC in non-cuddle related circles. Funny how that works.

  • @NewGuy711 Awesome real life story. Many years prior to joining this site, I had cuddle buddies off and on. It’s nice to find cuddle buddies, outside of this site too!πŸ˜ƒπŸ€—

  • @NewGuy711 that's an awesome story man. I hope it works out for you!

  • edited December 2019

    Yeah it's great and thank you all. Ironically the whole idea of cuddling only happened because of this lady I was talking too early on during my separation. She talked about liking to cuddle even though it never happened with her. A quick Google search about cuddling and here's where I ended up, haha.

  • @NewGuy711 Thank you for sharing, NewGuy. I think that finding someone who likes to cuddle you for who you are and the relationship that you develop with someone is the goal of many of us who enjoy cuddling. I too have found cuddle partners from other sources other than CC. Let us know how it develops!

  • [Deleted User]mattcuds (deleted user)

    Happy for you! Good luck!

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