paranormal experiences

[Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

has anyone had a paranormal experience they would like to share? i'm a scientist who studies the paranormal and I just started a podcast about this topic ☆ every cuddle partner i have hears me talk about the paranormal ♡

  1. have you had a paranormal experience?30 votes
    1. yes
    2. no
    3. i don't know


  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Do you consider the paranormal something that can't ever be explained by science, or just something that science can't explain yet?

    Also... are you a fan of Dib Membrane?

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

    i think the paranormal is something science can't explain yet, meteors and gorillas used to be paranormal, i'll check out dib membrane thanks!

  • One time, I saw a potato.

  • Would paranormal be something science cant explain? Because even before we understood meteors or gorillas, their was some scientific facts we knew about them. Gorillas are affected by gravity, and have mouths and legs.

    I would consider something paranormal if could explain nothing of its appearance and existence.

    But that’s me speaking as a spy, not a scientist.

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

    it depends, there are some paranormal phenomenon which we have more evidence and that we understand more than others, overall the progress we make on these subjects is very slow, there is a lot of ridicule that comes with studying these subjects, and there are plenty of non-paranormal topics that scientists can make into a great career, studying the paranormal is high risk and high reward, but many people also suffer because of the paranormal, so helping them is a good enough reason for me to study it, but i do it in secret

  • Seen several spirits as a kid also heard voices Some of these instances there was more than one person who saw it

  • I’ve had two “paranormal” experiences. I’m sure they could be rationalized, but they were totally unexplainable for me, and greatly influenced my decision to move to a new home.

  • Arthur C. Clarke's'3rd law :
    "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic".

    Wikipedia :
    "The One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge was an offer by the James Randi Educational Foundation (JREF) to pay out one million U.S. dollars to anyone who could demonstrate a supernatural or paranormal ability under agreed-upon scientific testing criteria. A version of the challenge was first issued in 1964. Over a thousand people applied to take it, but none were successful. The challenge was terminated in 2015."

    "helping them is a good enough reason for me to study it [ the paranormal], but i do it in secret"
    Just a few thousand CC members know your secret 😀

    Controllable paranormal ability would be extremely profitable, most forms of gambling have only a small advantage to the House, so only a small shift of the odds ( by telepathy, clairvoyance or psychokenesis ) would reverse that.

  • The greatest documentary ever made on the paranormal was in 1984 and I highly recommend it. It is called “Ghostbusters” and established the controversial paranormal connection between marshmallows and the ethereal unknown.

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)
    edited February 2020

    @geoff1000 no one knows my name 🤓 i can imagine people controlling their paranormal ability and becoming insanely wealthy, why would they tell anyone after the fact? also coming forward and admiting any paranormal experience often leads to ridicule and worse, i'm not certain 1mil would be enough of an incentive for a ruined life. i hypothesize that some paranormal phenomenon are genuine, i want to learn more about these topics, but i'm willing to admit i'm wrong if i'm presented with the evidence, any good scientist would, i'm also not interested in changing anyone's mind.

    @FunCartel great documentary 🤣

  • Have I had encounters with demons? Yes. More than once? Yep. Was it pleasant? No way in hell. (And no, I do not believe that demons are in hell). Is it scientific? There is far more that we do not know than we do know, in my opinion.

    Ironically, this subject arose in conversation with my last cuddle partner...😬

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

    @calineur what was the "demon" like? was it poltergeist like? moving of objects? my new podcast is about poltergeists and i discuss a thought experiment about how to trap one

  • edited February 2020

    My demonic experiences did not involve noise nor moving objects, no. Most if not all of my experiences involved personal physical interaction/touch. And although he/they visited a few times, it seemed as though he/they were just visiting temporarily and made his/their presence known under specific circumstances. The idea of capturing one is curious to me, since in my understanding, they are highly intelligent creatures of free will that do not need to adhere to our physical limits nor to our limited understanding of nature and science.

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

    @calineur i agree, my trap is not physical, it is a psychological trap and involves manipulating the past, present and future

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @BluShadeCool... A psychological trap that involves manipulating the past, present, and future? Sounds difficult, given that most of us only operate in the present.

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

    @DarrenWalker it is difficult, maybe why the episode is 2 hours long, ultimately it is only a thought experiment intended to generate ideas and i conclude that the plan is too dangerous and not ethical to move forward in its current state

  • [Deleted User]AshleysEmbrace (deleted user)
    edited February 2020

    I lost someone very dear to me a year and a half ago. A few weeks after his passing I was angry about something completely unrelated. I was outside, standing behind a wall and it wasn't windy out anyways, but my dangle earing jingled. It jingled pretty hard too, considering nothing could have caused it. I know it sounds silly to some, but I swear that was him telling me to calm down.
    Even more weird was exactly one month after he passed my daughter and I had identical dreams of him. The craziest part is the setting of the dream was at my mom's old house in New Mexico, where she hasn't been since her first birthday. But she described it in perfect detail. I would have been skeptical, but she told me her dream first. In both of our dreams he had died, and came back to life. The only real difference was in my dream he knew he had died and had to pass on, but in my daughter's dream he knew he died but chose to stay even though he knew he wasn't supposed to. Several other things have happened too, but its just normal to me at this point.
    Also, that dream story is very personal to me, but I feel comfortable on this site so if you have anything negative to say about it please keep it to yourself ☺

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @BluShadeCool: Two hours is pretty long, but... well, I'd like to give it a listen. Where can I check it out?

  • Paranormal activity is very normal, the problem is that as it not deemed to be normal very few people discuss it openly in the fear of being ridiculed by the vast majority who don't believe in it.

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)
    edited February 2020

    @ukcuddler hear, hear!
    @DarrenWalker thanks for the interest, the video is rendering now, but please subscribe and turn on notifications @

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @BluShadeCool: Got it. Thanks.

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

    @missashley thank you for sharing! and i'm sorry for your loss <3

  • My father died of lung cancer close to three years ago. Until recently, I couldn't pin a name to a strange occurrence that happened after his passing. When I first heard of Shared Death Experiences, it was as if a missing puzzle piece had been found and placed right where it belonged. I was overwhelmed by a multitude of feelings; awe, sorrow, and a deep peace being the most prevalent. In time, only the latter remained.

    Dad had always smoked. The adults of my family would joke that, when he was a teenager, a storm cloud came down from the sky and took up residence around his head. I laughed then, a nervous little laugh—even I knew as a child that cigarettes were bad.

    But, if cigarettes were bad, alcohol was worse. When Dad got laid off from work, he found comfort in hard liquor. He'd sit in his favorite chair—a chair covered in little burn marks, exhaling endless streams of smoke and swilling liquid fire. Of course my mother was worried. For her concern, she often wore the deep purple of bruises, and colorful lipstick to conceal broken skin. It was more difficult to hide the swelling around her mouth. Sometimes, when in a better mood, Dad would point and laugh as she held back tears: “Look at the clown! Look at the crying clown! What a kisser, folks!”

    “I want a divorce,” Mom had said one night. She got one, eventually, along with a few broken bones. At the very least, those healed.

    Dad snuffed it at 77, the walls of his small apartment stained a foul yellow. I didn't discover that he had died until a week later, but on the night of his death I had my Shared Death Experience.

    I had drifted off on the couch, watching television. Something woke me, and it wasn't what was on the screen. I heard short hisses and a violent snapping. The scent of ash burned my nostrils, and then, another odor. One of burning meat.

    My eyes were drawn to the white carpet in front of me-- it began to blacken and curl. Before long flames erupted from the floor, licking the ceiling and lashing out. Oddly enough, I don't recall any heat. Within the blaze I saw my father. He had turned into a charred, peeling husk, but I saw features in the screaming face that I knew so well. A part of me imagined that he was trying to say something, to impart one last message upon me. I drew closer, focusing on his nicotine-ravaged teeth. They cracked and popped, shooting incorporeal splinters out at me.

    In an instant, the grim scene was replaced by my dull living room. I sank back into the couch, smiling, and slept more soundly than I had since childhood. When I awoke the next morning, I was saddened to think that I would never witness that spectacle again.


    I’m just kidding. None of that happened.

  • [Deleted User]BluShadeCool (deleted user)

    @exsanguinate lol, very creative 👏

  • [Deleted User]acer12 (deleted user)

    @missashley I can totally relate to your experience. I do believe he was watching over you.

  • edited February 2020

    After my mother died, I strongly suspect she tried to contact me. I was not present when she died since she was in the UK and I was in the USA. However, I was told one of the last things she said was that she saw me walking up the garden path. So she was thinking of me, at least sub-consciously, in her final moments. I did go to the UK for her funeral. A few weeks later I started finding things in places where I had not put them. I also found these small green spheres in my garden and in the hall-way at work. I've never again found anything like that in the years since. I was not a believer in the after-life or after-death communication but these things made me think twice. My ex-wife, who was very psychic, told me that what happened is a classic way the dead try to contact the living.

  • [Deleted User]AshleysEmbrace (deleted user)

    @GEmart , I appreciate you saying that ☺

  • After someone I know well has died, I often think I see them, but it turns out to be someone else. I think that is my mind seeking evidence that the news of their death was a mistake,being so reluctant to believe it, that it clutches at a straw.

  • I know someone who was able to see the aura around people when she was a child. Unfortunately her mother was upset by it and scolded her whenever she said anything about seeing auras. She eventually lost the ability, and she attributes the loss to her mother’s bad attitude about this wonderful gift that she had. Sad.

  • The night my mother passed away I was sitting and totally devastated could not stop crying for nothing. I remember it was so hot in my place that night and all of sudden just on my left side got freezing cold as if my mom came and hugged me. That gave me some peace. That lasted for a few minutes then the coldness left as fast as it came.

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