The hug talk

[Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
edited April 2020 in General

How does one simulate a real life physical hug virtually?

Can you truly use words in a descriptive, visually effective way to make someone feel like you're actually hugging him or her?

How do I use words in an email or text message to truly connect mentally with some one in a visual way that he or she feels heard and understood?


  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited April 2020

    @Bles This is how you do the hug talk;

    You share thoughts and ideas on how and where you would like to be touched and held. You seek consent.

    You chit chat about stuff going for or with each of you in your day.

    Not in any particular order. Do whatever feels comfortable for both.

    You really talk back and forth to each other about what the other is doing. You wait till you get the other person's feedback before you continue so you both are on the same page. And vice versa.

    Always seek feed back from the other person and share yours on what felt good or didn't. What worked and didn't.

    And be patient. Check your emotional filters. They kill vibes and ruin an otherwise good connection.

    Have fun with it and relax.

    Know that it's not for everyone. It does not work with one doesn't mean it won't work with another person. People are complex yet very interesting beings.

    Give yourself permission to keep trying

    That's all

  • It's about connecting on a mental or a spiritually level. It is about giving each other room to add to the dialog. There is no right or wrong way. It is more about effort, how much are you willing to put into the exchange and to each other.

  • I’m looking forward to my 1st ever cuddle chat later today. New for me I think it will good, I hope !!!

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    @waynewv ~ Soooo... How'd your 1at ever Cuddle Chat go??? Inquiring minds want to know!!!


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