life and what u want me todo

[Deleted User]catmangreg1984 (deleted user)

if you’re interested in cuddling let me know I live alone I don’t really have anybody in my life to lay next to you and just kind a hold I don’t mind any of that it’s kind a lonely just being around and relationships don’t really always go so well so I’m here to try to find a cuddler or a cuddly Person prefer ladies to be the cuddler but no discrimination here thank you if you have any questions just ask thank you


  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited April 2020

    @catmangreg1984 I'm not interested in cuddling you but your sentiment about living alone and not having anyone to lay next to and feeling kind of lonely from that resonates with me. I can relate to living alone and cuddling myself all the time. And yes it can get very lonely if you let it.

    Hang in there and take care of yourself as best you can. It's okay to feel what you feel. But it doesn't have to consume and define you. Hope you find the cuddle partner you so desire.

    I no longer desire cuddles. I've found other activities that give me the comfort and relaxation I desire and at times need. Sometimes they offer far more contentment than cuddling does. I've found interestingly that being content with myself and situation is some thing I desire far more than someone's fleeting attention.

    Best of luck to you.

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