Professional cuddler Louisville KY

Hello all, I am a professional cuddler. I am an empath, compassionate and caring. Please contact me for your cuddling needs.

Though I work a regular job doing night work, I have a wide range of cuddle times.

Thank you and rest easy.


  • [Deleted User]SanFranResident (deleted user)
    edited June 2020

    Did you do any research into professional cuddling before you created this account? There are a total of two non-pro women on this site within 50 miles of you. Who exactly do you think your clients will be?

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    This is currently in the professional cuddling section of the forums, I can understand your confusion but this section is for the discussion of professional cuddling rather than for pro cuddlers to adverise in. Here is a link to the correct section for that (can be found at the top of the page of the cuddle requests section)

    I've reported this as being in the wrong section and is likely to be moved to the correct one soon.

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