Virtual cuddling

I would greatly appreciate if someone would take the time to share with me what virtual cuddling entails and what the process is exactly (Every detail from how to offer it and what site to carry it out and receive payment). Please explain in as detailed a manner as possible as I know absolutely nothing in regards to this service♥️


  • edited June 2020

    To me, it sounds like a complete paradox or oxymoron. Virtual and Cuddling do not belong in the same sentence. They are literally opposites. It should be called something else, if it's virtual. I am not against a virtual version, at all. Just saying, that if it's virtual, it should be called something else, like "Virtual Comfort". Because there is only one type of cuddling and it's not virtual. Just my opinion.

  • BeachCabana….I appreciate your thought on this, however, I am not responsible for coining the phrase or defining its meaning "virtualcuddling". It's simply a service I've seen others offer yet don't understand how to offer the same type of service (virtual) myself. I will keep your verbiage in mind when I decide to rewrite my profile to offer said service. Hopefully others will share insight into this matter. Thank you so much!

  • I usually just call it a skype session.
    A Skype session is whatever makes you comfortable! Some have the phone positioned so we’re chatting while laying down, or just simply sitting on a couch talking away. I’ve had some that like to sing with me, others play word games or board games. If you have suggestions, I’m certainly open to learning new ways to Skype!

  • I was skeptical at 1st .. It was the whole use of the words cuddling and virtually that made me wary. But I found a pro that I click with as far as talking and now those sessions mean a lot to me. Its just good to have someone to talk to about anything and everything that for the most part won't judge you.

  • As @Sheena123 it's about what you wanna coin it I guess.

  • I use square for all business transactions. Credit card fees are not so much as to be worth being dishonest (any free service is intended for sending money between friends, NOT for business transactions). And I want to help those businesses continue being able to offer free services for those situations by not cheating the system. A lot of people here use different free services though. So that's just my perspective. 😊

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