Hurricane Laura

Wishing the best and sending prayers to our friends in Texas and Louisiana. I have been through many hurricanes in Florida and I know it is going to be a long night for them, as well as the following days. They will need a lot of help after as well. If you can help with muscle or money after this storm please do.


  • Yes!!! Prayers and support to all of you!

  • @snuggleme123 very thoughtful thread my friend

  • I saw where Laura has the same predicted track as the C hurricane in 1969 had, and that one did most of it's damage in Virginia. So hopefully Laura dissipates and doesn't do what the 1969 hurricane did.

  • I'm so thankful so many are OK!! Many of my friends at home were up all night praying as it was so loud. Now eying those next two storms...

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