virtual session

[Deleted User]lovekmc09 (deleted user)

how do you have a virtual session? Do you just lay there and stare at each other?


  • I would also like to know. I know one cuddler in Vegas @kimberlycuddles does the virtual session before the real thing due to COVID.

  • edited August 2020

    I don't get it either. The whole point of cuddling is human touch which is absent when done virtually. I'm not talking about having a short video call before the real thing. A lot of cuddlers do that to feel a little more at ease when meeting in person.

  • I don’t like to say virtual cuddling because I know that’s not what we’re doing so I always say a virtual session. A virtual session is whatever makes you comfortable! Some have the phone positioned so we’re chatting while laying down, or just simply sitting on a couch talking away. I’ve had some that like to sing with me, others play word games or board games. If you have suggestions, I’m certainly open to learning new ways.

  • [Deleted User]SanFranResident (deleted user)

    I like to just chat most of the time, although a couple times I've watched a movie with someone.

    As Sheena points out, it doesn't really have much to do with cuddling.

  • edited August 2020

    Virtual sessions might have the potential to be an appetizer to help stimulate your soul while you await the main course. I recently found someone here that I am compatible with, but they live far away. We have these long conversations for hours that feel like mere minutes.

    I felt like my mind was wrapped around them, I wished it was my arms instead. However, they are beginning to open my mind to the possibilities that my hunger craves more than just physical touch.

  • @Sheena123 - I'm too socially awkward and it might end up turning into us just staring at each other.

  • @Mike403 then we have a staring contest lol

  • Q. Do people on this site enjoy being with others, without touching, more than talking on the phone with them or even a video meeting ?

    If so, why ? What is it about being physically near to someone, which is so pleasant ? Why would a prison inmate prefer to talk to someone on the phone while looking at them through armoured glass, rather than on a video screen ?

    Why do people enjoy movies, which are just a video and audio recreation of a situation ? Why do people enjoy reading novels, where the sights and sounds and other sensory inputs are created by the reader's mind ?

    A. The trick is "suspension of disbelief".
    A physical cuddle is more pleasant than holding a pillow, because it comes with the belief that the other person really wants you to enjoy your time. It is the human interaction that makes it good.

    What makes a "virtual cuddle", is the feeling of "emotional investment" by the other person ; making someone feel that it is only the distance, which prevents their bodies touching.

    Anyone who is still struggling should perhaps try this exercise. If you are straight, write out a "first person" scenario of gay sex ( or if gay, straight sex ). Now read it out loud, with all the proper emphasis and emotion in the dialogue. Is that tough, and if if so why ; given that you are on your own and the event's are fictional ?

  • [Deleted User]BigBear4Cuddles (deleted user)

    Instructions unclear. Writing my best gay sex novel, though.

  • @Sheena123 - lol looks like a person drowning.

  • I am currently teaching EFT tapping for stress management and oracle card readings as part of my virtual offering, but open to just chatting, listening and providing emotional support if someone wants a more unstructured session.

  • @DonLonG ~ You are an amazing being and I just love how you've described this!!!

    When I'm on a marathon call with someone (which is the norm for me, rarely are calls less than 30 minutes and an hour plus is typical), I'm talking, jestuting and acting as if the other person is right there with me. I intentionally try to block out potential distractions (no radio or other media is on, but the woofie stays) and I'm able to be fully engaged with who I'm talking to. Within a minute of us settling in it's like I can feel their presence all around me.

    The best is when we've become fully in synch. A flow takes hold and we sort of float from one topic to the next, feeding off each other's energy and rhythms. It's not the same as a physical cuddle ~ but it can for sure leave one with mental tingles and emotional fullness that feels just as good!

    I don't get that same feeling through video calls. For me those are really off putting and distract me from connecting on the deeper levels achieved through a phone call alone. I don't know what it is exactly ~ just that it's not for me.

  • I wish though people would stop calling it virtual cuddling. Its not cuddling.
    Sometimes people cuddle in complete silence. Or complete darkness. Try that with virtual cuddling. Its nothing remotely like cuddling. Try 7cups or the someone to talk to page on Facebook.
    Need this pandemic over please. Real cuddling is so desperately needed.

  • @Melancholy - It probably won't be over until late 2021 or 2022. :'(

  • @quixotic_life
    I think the quality of video calling is still very poor, so it can be worse than useless. With no visual cues during a voice call, your brain probably makes more use of the audio ones ; it is a common trick to close one's eyes to hear better.

    Maybe in a few years, we'll have much better video calls, and be doing them so often that it seems more normal.

    I know some people don't like the term "virtual cuddling" ; in the same way that some people don't like the term "vegetarian sausages", because the word usually refers to a tube of meat. However, I also think the term "video call" has too much of a business connotation. When several people are packed together on a bus or tube, they can be closer physically than when cuddling ; but the emotional engagement is missing.

  • If I hear the word "virtual" one more time, I'm gonna go insane. I used to like technology. Now I wish I could interact with people face-to-face. A lot of stuff we take for granted until it's gone. :'(

  • @Mike403
    Virtua . . . 😀

    Technology is good for finding people and getting to them, but I agree that it has its limitations.

  • @geoff1000 - I'm just gonna put my virtual reality headset back on and pretend that things are normal.

  • "Reality is an illusion, caused by a lack of alcohol" - W. C. Fields

  • @Mike403 ~
    Have you watched the show Upload?
    Parts of this convo have reminded me of S1 E4 ~
    Just replace the "s" word with "cuddle" ~ Lol

  • @quixotic_life - Now if only we can figure out how to do virtual cuddle sessions with VR headsets, it will actually feel closer to cuddling. VR tricks the brain into thinking it's real in ways a traditional flat screen can't do.

  • @Mike403 ~ What?! Isn't there an app for that?

    If not ~ you should get on it!

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