What platonic self touch exercising are you doing?

Hi friends!! =)

Just wanted to ask, are any of you doing an platonic self touch exercising? If so, share away!

  • I would love to know: What do you really love about it?
  • How does it makes you feel?
  • How often do you feel like you need to comfort yourself?

For me, I really enjoy playing with my own hair.
I love massaging my scalp as well as brush my locks.
Another exercise I love is to gently pass my fingers through my shoulders and arms.


  • I sometimes find myself with one leg under the duvet, and one on top, and laying on my side, with it folded over several times ; so I have effectively "big-spooned" it. It's subconscious, but I guess it still counts.

  • I find it helpful to give myself head massages and lymphatic drainage massage, as it really boosts my energy and helps my overall wellbeing. Dry brushing is also great for exfoliation and lymphatic drainage.

  • [Deleted User]lovelyhugs (deleted user)

    😂self touch...everything inappropriate came to mind when I saw the headline.
    🤔 rolling myself into a burrito with my heavy blankets feels like a full body hug.

  • I'm totally sandwiched between pillows in my bed at night. I lie on the ground a lot. I also spend a lot of time on the computer for work so do self-massage on my neck and shoulders frequently.

  • @geoff1000 Oh I love that! I didn't think of that but thats an excellent one!
    A big pillow can definitely be used and I sometimes do that! You see, I'm learning from you!

    This reminds me of when I caress my little head pillow with my face. It brings me comfort!

    @TouchSanctuary Thank you for sharing!! Dry brushing is another great one! I didn't even think of that. :)

    @lovelyhugs Buahahaha well I'm sure it got people to come on here and click on it! LOL
    Btw the burrito body hug SOUNDS AMAZING!! I'm going to try this!

  • [Deleted User]verona (deleted user)

    I have a body pillow and a weighted blanket that I use to feel comfy. I am just learning to caress myself like running my fingers through my hair or wrapping my arms around myself it’s hard for me because I have never done it but sense my bfs passing I have been trying to learn.

  • Self hand and arm “tickly” massage, head scratches, pressure points along my eyes/eyebrows. - it’s relaxing!

  • [Deleted User]AshleysEmbrace (deleted user)

    As I'm nodding off I often find myself lightly caressing my stomach. Soothes me right to sleep. 😴🌛

  • I read somewhere recently that touching one's face ( a coronavirus no-no ) is a form of platonic self caressing used in time of stress. Awkward when the stress is caused by worry over catching coronavirus. ☹️

  • I also love tapping! I find tapping around my thymus and using positive affirmations is very calming for me.

  • @TouchSanctuary ~ I suppose I could probably go down a Google rabbit hole to find out, but figured I'd just ask you...

    "lymphatic drainage massage"...?

    "dry brushing"...?

    "tapping around my thymus"...?

    I haven't heard of these and am just curious what they mean/entail...

    Thanks ~ QL🕊☘

  • Tapping is a great tool for centering yourself and reducing anxiety about something

  • @pmvines ~ What kind of tapping? This probably seems like a silly question, but I've tried a couple ways and none seem at all relaxing. But it is distracting.

    Is the primary goal of the tapping to shift one's focus off of whatever is distressing and that in turn is what brings a bit of relief? Or is there supposed to be an activation/release of something from within that has calming properties? Or both/neither? And how long should one be doing the tapping?

    I'm sure I'm over thinking this 🤔 but I'd like to understand the purpose, how it works and the technique used to achieve that.

    My generalized anxiety (ie - puppy, squirrel, tornado brain 🐕🐿🌪🧠) thanks you in advance!🥴

  • @quixotic_life its called EFT. Seems a bit hokey but I have done it and have taught it to patients and it seems to help . Like with majority of exercises like this a good bot is placebo effect but regardless if it helps is what is important

  • I “big spoon” a pillow with a weighted blanket on me 🥰

  • I’ve found crossing my ankles and running the top of my foot over the other foot/leg is very soothing. It works whether I’m laying on my stomach or when I’m sitting up.

  • @bluehonu
    Don't try it while driving. 😀

  • @geoff1000
    Thanks for the tip 😉

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)

    Auto-platonic asphyxiation.

    Or, just rubbing the bridge of my nose while focusing on my breathing.

  • Reiki and aromatherapy touch self-treatments help me relax and stay centered. :)

  • @littermate I love that! I have a TON of pillows, now that you mention it...I love the feeling of being surrounded by pillows, it really is comforting. Thank you for sharing that!

    @verona Thank you for being so open and vulnerable. That was brave and awe inspiring to be just as open myself. I slept at a friends house that had a weighted blanket for me and I slept like a baby. I might have to buy one, it was comforting in many ways. I live alone so it would be helpful.

    @JulianaRose22 Yes! Anything around the face is wonderful and relaxing. :)

  • @AshleysEmbrace Thank you so much for sharing! Love how so many of us do different self touch and how it soothes us!

    @geoff1000 I think many of us still do it, its known that WE ACTUALLY TOUCH OUR FACES 16-23 times an hour! Thats 256-368 times a DAY!!! I've been doing a lot of research on this stuff and starting to put it on social media. Many aren't aware!

  • @TheTouchCoach I have a body pillow and three regular ones, but am considering a second body pillow. I can pull them right up to my body and also use them to support the perfect sleeping position. It's the closest thing to sleeping in a pile that I can muster right now. <3

  • @TouchSanctuary Love the affirmations and you are right that tapping can help! I personally prefer not to tap and do something a bit more smoothing but everyone works differently and thats the wonderful part of it. I'm really loving this thread! So much goodness that we can share with each other.

    @quixotic_life I'm with you on the squirrel and tornado brain....tapping would not work for me but I have found that massaging does. Touching my face brings me comfort and just relaxing on the bed meditating helps. I also add soft massage music and that does it for me!

    @pmvines thank you for attaching the video! :)

    @Sassafrass11 That sounds divine!!! I have like 6-7 pillows and thats so comforting to me!

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