befriending you

Has anyone here ever contacted you and said that they wanted to be a friend, so you play the game to see where things lead and you discover that they tell you that they can only send texts or chat in a messenger service but their phone does not accept phone calls?

I have seen a lot of that in various locations on the internet and think that a pattern of "scammer" is shouting out.


  • It is a scam please report them to admin

  • [Deleted User]APV (deleted user)

    I have discovered lower-cost phone plans that actually allow users to block incoming voice calls, outgoing voice calls, or both on their phones. Ting mobile is one who offers these controls. Perhaps not everyone who states their phone won’t accept voice calls is a scammer.

  • I've messaged some lonely Mormon housewives or some national beauties who just wanted to text, and didn't ask for money, but generally nowadays at least they're scammers. Even if they don't ask for money, they can play the long game and gather enough personal info to try to socially engineer things or extort you. It's fun to try but you gotta get your Spidey senses in shape.

  • [Deleted User]verona (deleted user)

    Also some people may be incredibly shy I have have people message me and chat on different apps because my anxiety is very bad and it takes me a while to get to know some people. But yeah they can be scammers especially if they ask a million and one questions like your pets names favorite color location and so on I block those people really fast.

  • When I communicate with family and genuine friends, it's either a physical visit, or text ; almost never by phone ( voice or video ).

    Text is useful in a place where you have to be silent, or discreet, or the parties can only communicate at intervals which aren't synchronised ( such as this forum ). It can also be useful when you need to say something without interruption, including one's emotions getting in the way.

    Text is OK with someone you've met, because you can imagine them saying the words ; or someone you'll never meet, because you can create a voice and body for them.

    However, I agree that never hearing someone's voice or seeing their face, when they want to be a physical friend, does sound too much like a human scammer or chatbot. The Turing Test ( where a computer tries to mimic a human ) is done by text.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    I hate talking on the phone and only use snap, kik, or my Google voice number with people I meet online. I always believed that I couldn't take calls on Google Voice anyway and that's what I usually say. But then I guess I wonder why it's called Google Voice. Lol I thought you had to pay for that part of the service. In any case, I hate talking on the phone. I don't even call my mom. We message each other on Facebook Messenger. People wanted me to do Skype visits and I've done one but it's not really my preference.

    Not a scammer.

  • In todays world you have to be so careful !!!. think about some of the security questions you get asked by your bank-etc. on line to prove who you are., Like, your 1st. pets name, what town were you born in, your 1st. car, etc. So I'm always alert to those kind of questions and I think, never post your true birthday !!!!! I have had 2 people contact me, we have chatted, both are very long distance, I have told them that in my travels I never get to there area and they have told me that they never get to FL., but so far all is good, I think they just like to have someone to chat with. I'm waiting for the
    "send me air fare so we can meet", but nothing at all along those lines yet. But, on the good side, I did reach out and started chatting with someone that was out of state and told them I would be in there area soon on one of my road trips.
    It did work out great, we chatted a lot about being safe with this virus mess and I felt very comfortable meeting up, so glad I did. thanks to all who post, I like to read them all, to learn more of what's on peoples minds, be safe, Wayne

  • To clarify my comment. If someone immediately wants to take communication offsite and says they want to talk on different apps etc. That can often times be a scam, bot, what have you that is wanting to direct you to other sites and pay services

  • edited September 2020

    @pmvines ,

    My experience is the same. Especially when they go offsite. I look for the following in detecting scammers:

    1. Always a non - pro.

    2. Says they want to befriend you.

    3. Gives usual scammer story - Single, only child, somehow survived a car crash which her parents died in. They are
      usually single with a child. There aren't any reletives living nearby and know of only one living in a foreign country.

    4. Eventually asks to go offsite.

    5. Poor Grammar. Uses unusual phrases. Has very unusual profession. If it goes offline, will text at hours that most
      people are in bed.

    6. Asks questions about finances, and says inappropriate things.

      7.. At the end will ask for money. Sometimes will ask you to send it in a way that they can find out information about

    I have handled this many ways and will report the person to the administration.

  • People have suggested that the only sane way to visit a gambling establishment, is to go with : a set amount of money ; and the expectation of losing all of it, but in a fun way.

    Internet friends probably need the same approach. There are more Nigerian princes and princesses online, than there are citizens of that nation.

    Jack Reacher put it well in the movie, "It's the ones you don't pay for, that cost the most".

  • Yah I determined a long time ago that money you take to Vegas or similar places is just disposable fun money even if it's for gambling 😆 and that you're lucky to "win" in anything.

  • The best way to make money from gambling, is to buy shares in a gambling company.

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