Overnight rate?

Hi I'm new, I'm wondering if people do overnight stays and how much do you typically charge?


  • A typical charge for an overnight seems to be in the $500-$1000 range, but I’ve also seen rates higher than that.

  • $570 here.
    Guaranteed 8 hours. Teetering closer towards 10- 12 hours though, because I like to sleep.

  • Charge whatever makes the time worth it to you. You don't want to leave the session feeling like the exchange was unequal. You'll know if it's too low by how you feel. Another way is by supply/demand. Start with a guess. If you don't get as many as you would like, try dropping the price. If you get too many, maybe raise it.

    Mine are super cheap, only $400. I don't do a ton of sessions, so I'm fine encouraging overnights for a bit more money. People with lower budgets usually do two hour sessions, people with higher budgets jump to overnights. Of course, I'm not really doing overnights currently because of COVID, so I have whole day packages instead, which combine cuddle time with social time to amount to more connection time in total. 😊

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