Hello Again from The Cuddler Formerly Known as 2dogmom!

[Deleted User]SuperSnuggler2 (deleted user)
edited September 2020 in General

Reposting as I think my first post was moved to the pro page but I'd really like to leave in General so my former CC friends will see. Thanks mods!

Hi CC Forum... I've returned! Several people have already "found" me here, but I wanted to take a minute to let others know I've returned. I've missed some of you. Others not so much. lol

This year has been rough as in COVID is the BEST thing to happen in my world. I lost two friends (cancer and sudden heart attack), divorced, lost my job and one of my beloved pups, Roxie, died unexpectedly (hence why I did not come back as 2dogmom :'( ). I have lived through some heart shattering pain, over and over, and wished a million times I could have had someone to hold and comfort me on those darkest of days.

I deleted my CC account in the spring because I needed time to grieve and heal, but I've returned as a professional. When I was an enthusiast, several of my cuddle partners said I should "go pro." So now I am because, after the past eight months, I understand more than ever that people need caring touch in their lives and I now have the personal and professional flexibility. ~ The SuperSnuggler2 aka Julie formerly known on CC as 2dogmom :)


  • Awesome Julie! Self care is critical and happy that you made many life adjustments to ensure that. Happy that you are optimistic about many challenging life events and doing what works for you. I am wishing you all the best!πŸ˜πŸ€—

  • [Deleted User]SuperSnuggler2 (deleted user)

    Thank you @FishCuddles... :)

  • Good to see you back, @SuperSnuggler2 ! Those are all significant losses and challenges and I am glad to see you smiling again. Best wishes on your new path, I think you will be/already are splendid.

    Sending big hugs from California.

  • [Deleted User]SuperSnuggler2 (deleted user)

    Love you @Sideon! Let’s chat soon offline. 😘

  • @SuperSnuggler2 ~ Oh yay! You're one of the people (from before my joining) that while reading through past threads, I've repeatedly wished were still here!

    I'm sorry you've been through such a mess of heartbreak in a short span of time, but am glad you're assembling pieces and moving forward with something meaningful to you.

    As someone who has recently gone over the edge of what I can manage, and is barely holding on, it's encouraging to see others who have also gone over have been able to find enough resiliency to bring themselves back up.

    I'm sure once I fully loose my grip, the drop will be far more painful than the current bumps and scrapes I'm dealing with but I've got a satchel of stories to re-read as I recover, and yours is one of them.

    Thank you for sharing here πŸ’ž and Welcome Home!


  • [Deleted User]SuperSnuggler2 (deleted user)

    @quixotic_life wow. Thank you. That means so much. Please feel free to reach out anytime.

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