How to Avoid Clients Who End Up Taking Advantage

Hey everyone!
I'm a new user here, and although I'm excited to start, I'm kind of nervous. I'm running into a lot of people on here who keep wanting to message me offsite or call, and even when I follow the rules and only give them my information AFTER a booking, they end up insinuating that they want more than just a platonic cuddle. I'm not trying to sleep with my clients- at least not in the non-platonic way, lol. Does anyone have any tips or tricks? I'm scared I'm going to end up in one of these sessions in a bad scenario. I understand that comes with the job somewhat, but some tips and tricks would be appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!


  • @CamelliaPeach your concerns are very valid! What I see from many pros are the communicate on thier profile that if anything non platonic, romantic or sexual is tried the session will end and there are no refunds. Also I have known pros to give warnings to clients. If the client stoops advances, then cuddling is enjoyed but if the client keeps pushing (session ends with no refund). These are the top ways that I see pros try to regulate thier clients behavior.

  • @CamelliaPeach i have also seen many pro cuddlers that when the pre cuddle messaging turns inappropriate they decline the session because if they’re already insinuating themselves in the messaging/talk stage of communication then is pretty easy to see that they will try inappropriate/sexual stuff when meeting in person. So communicate, vet and feel prospective clients and be on the lookout for red flags. they want to take the communication off site right away? Red flag
    Start asking if you’ll do more once you meet? Red flag. Suggest very obvious inappropriate stuff? Red flag. Want you to wear sexy/revealing clothes? Red flag. So at this point you tell them that you don’t provide the service they want, block them and move on to the clients that want a nice relaxing cuddle session.

    Good luck!

  • Thank you so much for your helpful answers, I appreciate them a lot!

  • Make sure you aren't in a financial position where you feel pressured to accept sessions which you aren't sure about. When you feel that pressure, you're more likely to put yourself in a more dangerous situation. 😞 Keep yourself as safe as possible while you're learning and gaining confidence and strong boundaries, because it's almost inevitable to be somewhat pushed early on. You'll learn over time what works for you. Every time you get pushed and the client is not the type you want to work with, look at what you could have noticed, asked in advance, or done differently. Use that information to fine tune your process. 😊

  • Just keep telling them that you follow ALL the cuddling rules and they will be wasting their time and your time if they think otherwise.
    I think that should dissuade the great majority of idiots.

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