"Bumping" thread interest

edited September 2020 in General

The number of "views" on a thread, includes repeated views by the OP, which can artificially make it seem more interesting.


  • @geoff1000 ~ One would have to have a lot of free time to "bump" the numbers in that way.

    On the ones I'm interested in, my clicks on it will be higher because I like to see what new thoughts have been shared. If a mess of us are doing that, it makes sense the number of views would exponentially increase and not give an indication of unique views. But it does show the overall interest the community (or members of) has in a given thread.

    Also, I just can't imagine someone artificially inflating that number. I mean, what would be the point?

  • @quixotic_life
    Someone might want to hijack the forum, just for their ego, or to make it "click-bait".

    Most of the "views" here were me, just to see how easy it is. 😀

    Maybe the thread should only get one "view" increment per person, until a new post is added.

  • "...artificially make it seem more interesting."

    That's for individual readers to decide. As for click bait, that's a rich comment, @geoff1000 - is there any topic in which you haven't shared? Seems your comment belongs in the suggestions to improve the forums: ask @Mark for unique counters, once per thread, of unique visitors - coming back to a thread shouldn't increase the count.

    I love all the reading options on the boards. Subscribe/follow a thread I'm interested in. The site tracks all the individual threads one initiates. You can search by author. You can respond to anyone in-thread or message them (assuming they haven't blocked you for whatever reason, which is their business and right and not yours to bemoan...but folks will do so anyway), and hey, maybe make some connections. But if anyone is on here for a virtual popularity contest? There might be other solo sports I could suggest that are more fulfilling.

  • @Sideon
    It was a warning / observation.

    Maybe @Mark could look into it.

  • edited September 2020

    Dear goodness @geoff1000 ~ I sure hope @Mark has better "Site Improvement " things to tackle than this ~ like sort functions within the "♡/Favorites" list ~ wink-wink nudge-nudge ~ Lol

    [Markdown edits and typos ~ oops!]

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