When do you think concerts and other large gatherings will resume?

I'm seeing concerts scheduled for as early as April of next year. Do you think they will actually happen, and if so, will you go to one or is it too soon?



  • Live concerts can't make money unless the audience is packed in ; so anything other than a novelty such as people in scuba gear, would have to be after a vaccine is widely available, and distributed. April 2021 does seem too optimistic.

  • I have cancelled my in-person events through June. Not that I pack them in, but often gather 40-75 peeps for short events and 24-30 peeps for multi-day ones. Even if there's a vaccine, I'll bet many will be reticent to be among the first wave of guinea pigs for it, and we Americans do seem to continue to be collectively stupid when it comes to the spread of this thing. That's likely also to continue, unless we get some leadership from somewhere that really works to stem the tide of multiple waves of infection. So in summary, hell if I know. :D

  • @Mike403 I guess it depends what your definition of large is. Some NFL & College stadiums have let fans back in attendance at limited capacity as long as it’s in accordance with the state and local guidelines

  • @littermate - If only the president didn't call it the China virus. That just made it angry and it spread all over the world.

  • edited September 2020

    @hugonehugall - Large gathering as in not socially distanced from one another.

  • I would imagine some point next year

  • @Mike403
    In old ( my generation ) British slang, trump means fart - noun and verb. I always smirk like a schoolchild when I hear it.

  • @Mike403 hahaha
    @geoff1000 that's hilarious

  • What everyone or most people don't understand, is that the vaccine when it's available and approved by scientists (like Dr. Fauci) and not by poiitician morons (like trump), when it's ready, remember- it is not a cure for covid19. If you have tested positive it won't cure you. if you are already in the hospital in the ICU and on a ventilator- good luck but the vaccine won't help you. The vaccine only will hopefully prevent uninfected people from getting infected. Vaccines hopefully improve your immune system to prevent whatever they're intended for whether its coronavirus or measles or the flu. They don't always work for everyone, so not 100% effective, the immunity may wear off, and some of the proposed vaccines require 2 doses about a month apart, so the protection won't be complete until you've had both doses. So going to coachella or other raves, etc. fuhgetaboutit this year, maybe spring 2022. And I'd personally doubt anything will be back to semi normal before next summer. Any large gatherings, school openings or indoor dining and bars opening in next few months would be a big risk.

  • It all depends on your location. Nation, State, etc. US states are highly variable. It's impossible to predict when such things might be safe. I'm sorry, but this is the reality.

  • Depends on location. In red states there is a chance concerts can happen in the spring (which isn't the best idea). But everywhere else and it will be safer also, I'd say summer or fall 2021.

  • There are plenty of large gatherings going on, even when they are illegal ; showing there are plenty of people willing to take the risk, even with no vaccine or cure. It's rather like post-HIV unprotected sex, which didn't stop and wait until medication caught up.

    That might mean when "packed" concerts start being arranged, they'll sell enough tickets. Such gatherings have non Covid-19 risks to the audience ; so they'll probably return when they judge the Covid-19 risks to be small by comparison. That's perception as much as reality.

  • [Deleted User]lovelyhugs (deleted user)

    I so miss live music😐🙁

  • @lovelyhugs
    Live music is one of those things that you really can't imagine before it happens. It's on my list of "What I'd tell my younger self if I could".

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)
    edited September 2020

    When Americans stop being dumb*. This includes the persons in power, and the general public—which the persons in power used to be. So, given that a large portion of the general public struggles with exceedingly basic concepts, and that these people will eventually find themselves in power, probably not any time soon.

    • I say Americans, specifically, because I imagine that a good amount of users on this site are from that country, and that of all first-world countries America is struggling the most when it comes to simple concepts.
  • [Deleted User]verona (deleted user)

    Some of the haunted attractions are taking place so why not concerts

  • @verona - Haunted houses typically doesn't have thousands of people packed in a small space.

  • After seeing the Creepy Old Uncle Convention on TV last night I would suspect it is up to the public as leadership has become an anachronistic concept. Nero fiddling while Rome burns is the metaphor for our times.

  • We have no leadership. The boat full of toddlers fighting over a cookie is drifting without a captain.

  • @littermate
    He's probably just upset at having to pay so much tax.

  • Just like the flu, there are many strains of Coronavirus and a vaccine won't protect against all of them. Coronavirus will probably be with us for many more years. Eventually we will have to accept it and live with it like we do with the flu. The World can't stay locked down forever.

  • @UKGuy - They know how to treat the flu though. They're still learning about COVID-19.

  • The next game-changer may be a breath test that gives results in seconds, like an alcohol-meter ; or even a stick-on Bluetooth continuous blood sampler, like the Freestyle Libra for a diabetic's blood sugar. If we could detect carriers before they became infectious, the R-number would be 0.

    The lockdowns and quarantines are awkward and expensive, only because they inconvenience also the 99.N % of people in that group who don't have it.

    Also useful would be something like the drugs taken by HIV-positive people, which prevents them being infectious. Patients with mild symptoms could continue their normal lives, and the seriously ill could be treated by healthcare staff in just "normal" PPE.

  • @geoff1000 - HIV really isn't that contagious though. You don't catch it just for being in the presence of an HIV-positive person.

  • edited September 2020

    Agreed. But the HIV drugs stop transmission by its normal method, allowing very non-platonic behaviour without ( extra ) consequences.

    Imagine the reverse, how much worse cancer would be if it were contagious.

  • edited September 2020

    @geoff1000 - Being infected with something called "babies" is bad enough as it is.

  • Babies BAD? Huh? I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Bring on the babies!

  • @littermate - lol. it's bad if it's unwanted.

  • Me having a career in concert, tour photography.. I wish but honestly it’s best not to resume no time soon

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