
It's making me crazy I can't sleep!!! What do you do to get to 💤 😴 🛏?


  • Good morning 🌝
    My condolences for your insomnia. My mom struggles with that a lot, she has tried a bunch of different stuff: melatonin pills, valerian root infusions, laying down with her legs up against a wall for 15 minutes before she goes to sleep, shutting off electronics an hour before sleep, and other stuff. What have you tried?

    I'm thankful for my ability to fall asleep easily and stay asleep, but I abhor my natural sleep schedule.

  • [Deleted User]simone825 (deleted user)

    Herbal tea (or a hot toddy) and massaging my legs and feet are the winning combo for me. Also avoiding light and sound as much as possible before I head to bed so I actually stay asleep.

  • @ElleCuddleMi
    A coworker suffering from insomnia was given sleeping pills. Unfortunately they only acted on his body, not his mind ; so he lay awake all night as usual, just unable to move.

    I often find I can't sleep, because there are things I should be doing, and I feel guilty for resting. I try to remember the line from a Jason Bourne book, where he is told, "Sleep is a weapon" ; that reloading one's rifle is as vital to winning a battle, as actually shooting it.

    Sleep isn't resting, it's when the day's experiences are processed, and the day's damage is repaired. It's like a funfair shutting down at the end of the season, to allow all the hard work of preparing for the next one. That's why we suffer so badly without it ; and sleep-devrivation is torture, sharing with water-boarding the useful characteristic of leaving no physical evidence.

    You should try and order yourself, "Get some sleep, and no slacking".

  • I rarely have trouble sleeping, but on the rare occasions I do I find chamomile tea helps.

  • Xanax will make u sleep , but u cant use everyday addicting

  • @luv2cuddle2020
    So it's like cuddling then ? 😀

  • I wish I were better at taking my own advice. It's half past midnight. ☹️

    "Physician, heal thyself."

  • I don't, I'm up all night until I crash usually in the morning unless I miss that window then I'm up til the next morning.

  • How has no one mentioned just exercise? My mom has this problem too(and sleep apnea) and i make her take a walk with me every evening, and those are the nights she can MOSTLY sleep thru the night at least 4+ hours. Which is better than nothing!

  • Ugh yes. I can so relate. All week ive been waking up at 3am just wide awake cant rest then attempt rest around 5am... I usually take melatonin but doesn't always help. And these pillows just arent the same as a mans cuddles😣

  • @Lisa2476
    A man was suffering from poor muscle strength, so the doctor gave him some pills to take, and return in a week.
    "Have the pills been any help ?" asked the doctor.
    "I'm afraid not", said the man. "I can't get the lid off the bottle."

    I do agree that exercise helps, but when I'm getting short of sleep, I lose the motivation. I also find that lack of sleep is associated with problems that need a lot of sedentary work, such as typing letters. That eats up my exercise time.

    I do enjoy a good evening walk, in some woods near my home ; but there's no lighting, so as the days are getting shorter, that's becoming mid-afternoon. 😀

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)

    I'll either read or listen to music. Sometimes, I'll struggle to write. Very rarely I'll scream until my throat is raw and smash my head against a wall.

  • A smoke alarm doesn't tell you that your house is on fire, it reassures you that your house is NOT on fire. An alarm clock similarly doesn't wake you up, it lets you sleep.

    I'm told that it often helps to write down the things on your mind, before going to bed, because then your brain knows it doesn't have to remember them ; like saving a file to disk, tells you it's safe to turn off your computer.

  • Sometimes a good bowel movement will do the trick---I usually feel more relaxed after one. Sometimes that may be enough to help relax enough to get to sleep.

  • edited October 2020

    Sleepytime or chamomile tea does the trick for me. I also listen to "sleep casts" on an app to calm my brain down at times. With me working nights, insomnia can be the devil at times!

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Counting sheep is traditional, but I find telling beads a lot more mind-numbing. So I keep a nice wooden rosary under my pillow next to the knife, and when that doesn't work I read something brainless and distracting—something to get my mind wandering off into Imagination, which has fuzzy boundaries with Dream.

    Failing all else I work out until I'm too tired to do anything but sleep. That usually works pretty well for me.

  • Having the same issue right now, crazy farm is getting closer haha.

    Try dandelion leaf tea :). I've tried a whole truckload of pharmaceutical and herbal sleep remedies, that's one of the ones that's helped me a little. Though, often, it's mindset over any actual remedies you pour down your throat that would help.

    Maybe try a lightly interesting podcast or vide that won't activate the mind too much, meditation, noting down what you've done in the day and what you need to continue tomorrow, so you needn't be kept up by it.

    For most people, tiring themselves out through exercise earlier in the day also helps.

  • @DarrenWalker
    "under my pillow next to the knife"
    Yes, always handy if one might suddenly want a peeled apple at midnight ; and safer there than where a child might find it.

    It wouldn't help me in case of an intruder ; when I was a child, my mother would regularly vacuum round my bed before shaking me awake. An intruder could probably steal my mattress, and I wouldn't know.

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