Film and show recommendations

[Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

Since this whole global situation started most people have had more time at home with nothing much to do, figured it'd be a good idea to get something going here so people can share some things to take up a bit of that time. Whether they're newer shows/films or older, if you've found yourself watching them recently feel free to share. Not sure if this'll get merged with an older recommendations thread but if that happens, then it happens.

I'll get it started with a random selection out of ones I've watched/rewatched recently:

Films - The Old Guard, Joker, Frozen 2, Coco, Mortal/Torden, Onward, Baby Driver, Ratatouille, WALL-E, the cornetto trilogy (shawn of the dead, hot fuzz and the world's end), Watchmen (also the series below), What We Do In The Shadows (also the series of this below), every John Wick film, Interstellar, Alita Battle Angel, Your Name (Kimi No Wa), Shazam, most of the MCU films, Hocus Pocus, the 1998 Mulan +the 2 Ron Perlman Hellboy films,

Would recommend basically all of them, though some are more niche than others.

Shows - Ragnarok, The Boys, Raised By Wolves, Over The Garden Wall, Psych, Infinity Train, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Snowpiercer, Dark, What We Do In The Shadows, Fringe, Utopia, Watchmen, varied Star Trek show rewatches, Doom Patrol, Sliders, The Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, Legacies, Brave New World, Westworld, Dragon's Dogma, Primeval, Cursed, Warrior Nun, Upload, Kingdom (the zombie one, not the MMA one), Misfits, Stargirl, Away, Tokyo Ghoul, Castlevania, Daredevil, Stargate Atlantis, The New Legends Of Monkey, Good Omens + a rewatch of Legion.

Can massively recommend at least half of them, other half are guilty pleasures or watchable (from my experience). Absolute best being: The Boys, Raised By Wolves, Over The Garden Wall, Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, Upload, Legion and Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

Hopefully we can all find a few new things to watch here to occupy our time, though apparently people have also been baking like crazy as well. Cookie recipe thread possibly coming to a forum near you!


  • Funny I don't watch tv at home but I do at a friends house. We watched Cobra zkai and have Judy got through season to of Santa Clatita Diet which is the best shoe I've seen in a very very long time

  • @pmvines The new season of Cobra Kai should be coming out soon, I believe.

  • Red Dawn - both versions of it
    The Next Three Days
    Taken franchise - all of them
    The Bodyguard
    The Accountant
    The Rhythm Section
    MCU movies, I'm catching up with the early ones
    Tears of the Sun
    Batman - the Dark Knight, Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale trilogy

  • @spuds yep jan I believe looking forward to it ! My friend I was binging it with had never seen karate kid movies, shes a bit younger than I so they came out before her time but shes totally into the show. It's really cheesy but in a good way lol

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Just saw 2067, it was alright. Thanks for those! @geoff1000 few I don't recognise on there.

    Heard pretty good things about Cobra Kai as well.

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