Cuddles while playing Video Games?

Idk about you but if you’re a Call of Duty Gamer and love cuddles I’m definitely all for it! Something about laying next to someone playing while you watch is just so relaxing! Anyone else feel the same if so, what games do you like to cuddle too?


  • Watching people play video games, or being watched is great. I am to in to a lot of turn based and strategy that would be good during cuddling, as you don’t need fast reactions. My 2 regular games at the moment are Battletech, and Star Renegades

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)
    edited October 2020

    @DarrenWalker and I have gone through the majority of Diablo 3, and are working on Struggling. The latter is an incredibly frustrating game, and I'd recommend it to anyone who is fond of anger, or David Cronenberg.

  • Cuddling while gaming can be super relaxing. My ex and I used to cuddle while I played Left4Dead. He found it to be super relaxing.
    I play primarily FPS like Overwatch and Battlefield so I'm not sure how well it would translate during a cuddle for me to 🤬 and 😤 during an intense game.
    But if a cuddler ever proposed the idea I'd definitely be down to try. I'm just not sure how relaxing it would be for them lol

  • edited October 2020

    I dont play games so take this for what its worth. I guess it depends on how much you are wanting to cuddle vs just having some company. I can incorporate passive cuddling into pretty much anything , like watching tv, chatting. reading etc but if hypothetically I am meeting up with someone for the primary purpose of cuddling etc then I wouldnt really want to do other things to take my focus and attention off the person I'm with and the task at hand .

  • I'd think it might be a little difficult to cuddle while playing a video game. It could be difficult to have your arm(s) around your cuddle partner if you're trying to play a video game at the same time. When I'm cuddling someone, I'd prefer to do something like talk to them, watch TV, etc. so I can more easily focus on cuddling with them.

  • I suppose if it were like a marathon cuddle-fest and they were someone who is borderline addicted to gaming (like maybe that's been one of their general life/pandemic coping strategies and its become part of their routine) it might not bother me if they played for a bit while I messed around on my phone. Cause both could take place while still being snuggly with each other.

    But if less than a half day kind of deal, I don't know that I'd feel good about one or the other (or both) of us allowing for those kinds of distractions to interrupt the attentive affection and connection we'd have met up for in the first place. I just think it could significantly diminish the nurturing benefits related to a good cuddle where both are fully focused on one another. 🫂

  • @UltimateChungus - I have yet to try the necromancer class. I don't see gaming and cuddling at the same time though. It's either gaming or cuddling but not both for me.

  • I would love to cuddle while playing video games or the other person was. So relaxing

  • I think if I was cuddling with someone every day then sure cuddling while gaming might be something fun but it would really be distracting and not nearly as much fun if one of us was focused on something else.
    The cuddling becomes secondary.

  • Any diablo fans should try out Path of Exile.

  • Co-op gaming while cuddling can be fun under the right circumstances. Some 10 years ago, my ex and I played through most of System Shock 2 together, all while cuddling on my couch, over the span of a week. While System Shock 2 is primarily an FPS game, it helped that the pacing is varied: in between action-packed moments there is a lot of slow, atmospheric exploration, with varying levels of tension. In some ways the game served the same purpose that a horror movie might.

    I'd be inclined to pass on mixing cuddling and gaming if only one of us were into it, or if we were gaming separately. It's certainly not something I would look for normally; I'd just be open to it with a longtime cuddle partner if interests aligned.

  • Ive never really been into gaming but i could enjoy cuddling w someone who chooses to play vid games while i lay my head on his lap.☺ even the thought is relaxing😅

  • I plan on cuddling while playing Persona 5! :D

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