Three Wishes

I would stop waking up before dawn . No matter when I go to sleep I just keep waking up

It would stay hoodie weather and not trick me by a brief chilly morning followed by a swamp ass afternoon

Spicy pork sausage were a health food


  • edited October 2020

    To get to snuggle with who I want when I want and they'd feel the same.

    That foods didn't have consequences other than experiencing their deliciousness.

    That the world would shift to being more Human centered.

    edited to add this 10 Commitments of Humanism image...

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    1 - a tablet/device which lets me rewrite/edit myself in any way I want (primarily used for occasionally turning into a cat/dragon, giving myself superpowers, and testing out different hair colours)

    2 - that all people would be healthy - both mentally and physically. No malnutrition, no disease, no mental illnness, no chronic fatique, etc.

    3 - that really easy/simple FTL drives were a thing.

  • [Deleted User]verona (deleted user)

    That I could be a mother
    That I could cure one ailment per person
    That everyone could know my true nature towards them

  • That there was more love in this world, instead of so much hate.

    That people who I have a crush on, have a crush on me too.

    That there was no more loneliness in this world, period.

    1. To be able to fly. Hands down top wish.
    2. I'd wish for domestic violence/r*pe/sexual assault to be eradicated.
    3. To never have money worries for myself/family/friends ever again.
  • The collapse of the monetary system.

    Shift to a resource based society overnight.

    Wars, poverty, racial differences, crime and violence eradicated.

    We can save the world. Look it up!

  • That I could invent a time machine to go backward or forward in time to any place or time I wanted.
    That I could invent a teleportation device to transport myself to any place in the world in an instant.
    Immortality, but I could choose to die and come back as another person man or woman.

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    @UKGuy you'd have all 3 if you were a Timelord, and also have 2 wishes leftover. Though something tells me that was intentional.

  • 1) Racism - over
    2) Earth - restored to optimal health
    3) Cuddling - that I had a weekly cuddle partner who I adored

  • @UKGuy time machine! Teleportation! Great choices!

  • That 2016 through 2020 is a dream that I will wake from in November.

    The ability to fart lavender or vanilla

    Tolerance. Just tolerance. In all forms. None of us are innocent.

  • [Deleted User]lovelyhugs (deleted user)

    -breath in a any environment even if toxic or nonexistent
    -Brain health peak at 30 and never diminishes until point of death
    -Eat whatever and never get bigger than a size 12

  • Farting lavender wins the prize for me.

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)

    Perfect mental and physical health, agelessness, and regenerative healing powers (like Wolverine)—but with a specific means of committing suicide should I want to do so.

    The same powers, but for someone else.

    A wallet that dispenses any type of currency that I can imagine, and the currency is indistinguishable from the real thing. Furthermore, only I am able to use the wallet.

  • That I would stop feeling lonely. That I was able to sleep without waking up every hour, without nightmares. That I was able to find my somebody special .

    1. I wish to stop procrastinating my story writing.
    2. I hope that people respond to my cuddling proposals. Even if it's to refuse.
    3. I hope to find a weekly cuddle buddy by the end of this year.
  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    Flying cars already. Hello, the year 2000 was 20 years ago now. (What's taking so long? Talking to you, smart people who invented AI sex robots instead of flying cars.)

    Time travel. (Again, smart people - where are our time machines???)

    Vampires. Yes, I wish vampires were real. Sorry. Not the Edward kind.
    The Lestat from Queen of the Damned kind. 😋

  • edited October 2020

    No more headaches ever again !

    Acid Bath to reunite. I love Dax Riggs solo stuff but would hear them progress from Pagan Terrorism Tactics and see where it goes

    To have one year of solid cold weather, 12 whole months of no swamp ass

  • edited October 2020

    @Frz2020 - Flying cars already exists. They're called airplanes.

  • Real love

    Happy Healthy children that survive me

    Understanding and true appreciation of satisfaction and satiability

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    More kindness and compassion in the world.
    A steady cuddle buddy.
    Enough food and shelter for all.

  • [Deleted User]PATSchick (deleted user)
    edited October 2020

    1) Good Health, Prosperity and Joy for me and mine.

    2) A relationship that is balanced with humor, sexual attraction, respect and love for each other.

    3) That humanity shines through... that each and every human being on this planet loves more, cares better and be the light in a room.

  • 1) The end of the blackout rule in sports
    2) More available firearms ammunition
    3) Sports Gambling was legal nationwide

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