Why I'm Awesome

No not posting about ego . Post about what you like about yourself

I am a big hairy beast

I have a youthful cool vibe in a non weird old guy trying too hard to be hip kind of way

Animals dig me



  • Im a human heating blanket built onto a stick figure.

  • I like cereal

  • @wrench sounds efficient

  • @tommydreamer we would be having some words if you didn't

  • I don't really like anything about myself. Ain't depression great?

  • @BrianL you are sarcastic and humorous and you told a story earlier about keeping crowd control when the guy went through the wall at the haunt and you were checking to make sure everybody was ok . Those are traits of organized leadership and ability to care about others

  • @BrianL ~ Is that the post haunting blues speaking? Cause boo... 👻 to that!

  • I'm awesome because....

    I'm weirdo and I don't really care who knows it!

    I'm like MacGyver and can rig-up/modify/fix just about anything in a pinch ~ An ability that often comes in handy on road trips or when camping.

    I'm really good at planning epic outings and vacations, for mixed ages and interests (and I almost always come in under budget)!

  • Awwwwww @pmvines I LOVE THIS!!! Brilliant!! @BrianL I completely agree with Mr. Vines. Sorry about the depression though that must be tough. :/

    I am actually SILLY & SASSY..... I think its a pretty good mix of both! 😁 Sometimes it gets out of balance but overall I think those are my favorite things about me. Well........ Those are my favorites today anyway. hahahaha

  • @pmvines I'm really not sarcastic or humorous. And the crowd control thing was keeping people moving, nothing more. Everyone seemed to understand the situation and were fine keeping away from a potentially dangerous situation. Oh yeah, I have no self-esteem, never really have. So I don't see what others might see in me.

    @quixotic_life No. Still have... 6 more weekends left, 3 in each month. Pretty much just regular old depression, not post-haunt depression, which will likely come in the new year after I recover.

  • edited November 2020

    It is hard to see the good in ourselves that others see . Try to believe people when they tell you these things. Most people dont like to lie .

  • BIG Heart, athletic body, creativity, kind nature and willingness to help others!😁

  • Oh man! That really sucks! @BrianL I sympathize.

    Depression is the worst, and I doubt I could tell you any tips you haven't heard before, and really would it matter if you hadn't? Once pulled into the swirling suck-fest vortex it's really hard to gain any footing, let alone traction to climb out. But keep reaching because eventually, as I'm sure you know, something will snag and give you that little bit needed to pull yourself to the edge, so you can flop onto the bank and catch your breath.

    (((((HUGS))))) to you in the mean time... and these memes! Because when I'm in the thick of it, they make me smile... a little...

  • [Deleted User]verona (deleted user)

    I have a loving heart
    Though I have been hurt I am not bitter
    I always try to learn something new everyday and love it when it someone else’s story I am learning.

  • “To BE ... or not to be .... “ was said by Shakespeare. I said all the rest

    And I am the light of the world.

  • Only one thing comes to mind, that I try to see things from other people’s point of view.

  • I like my ability to keep surviving even when that feels too hard. Sometimes I even get to thrive a bit

  • I don’t go around calling myself awesome

  • edited November 2020

    @hugonehugall I think you are awesome. And for the record I don't call myself awesome either . It's just an exercise in recognizing our own positive attributes and strengths . I've employed it in group counseling sessions to challenge peoples thought processes about themselves as well as how others see them . And plus it seemed like an eye catching title

  • This is a question only an American would ask, but since I am thoroughly Americanized ..... I have a good vocabulary and I'm interested in just about everything. When things break, I don't throw them away, I dismantle them to see how they work. I possess a microscope because I'm interested in very small things and a telescope because I'm interested in things far away.

  • Since depression was mentioned, I've been there. I've never been able to form any meaningful human connection so I decided to take engineering classes at college and found something I am good at. Hang in there @BrianL.

  • So funny cuuuuuz....

    I Am a big hairy beast, actually an Amazon woman preferably... lol

    I HAVE a youthful cool vibe in a non weird old GUY trying too hard to be hip kind of way

    Animals dig me TOO!!!

    also, things don't bother me like it does others yet they are funny

    And I can be a hella gone ugly early any given day and transform into a butterfly the next ;))

    Faults are unique imperfections, to not say sorry for yet to correct behavior, embrace the good the bad and the oooooogly

  • @BrianL -- I def know u have things to speak of, I bet ur of the quiet protective nature to others possibly and can keep ur heart guarded thats why u can't speak for urself rn. We know everyone has value, whether u admit it, or not. Its there :)))) trusst meeeeee, famous last words.

  • @cualtzin Wisdom, kindness, fairness, authenticity, honesty, genuine interest in other people's lives, and you think before you write.
    @pmvines Same. YOU should be a moderator.
    @quixotic_life ditto. And you're extremely funny.

    I'm awesome because I make cool stuff out of industrial scrap.

  • @Anna1970 ~ Your __ :53 post slayed me!
    I fully relate to every single bit of it! 🤣💓

  • edited November 2020

    @Designergirl ~ aww... Thank you 🤗🥰

    And agreed ~ You make some of the coolest stuff ever! Hooray for the creative among us!!

    but you left off being publicly reflective ~ that's also an awesome quality you have! 😘


  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    I am not really awesome but proud of the 30 hours a week I spend volunteering to help others. Very passionate about it.

  • That's very awesome @Mmart

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