If cuddlers were like trees

edited November 2020 in General

If cuddlers were like trees which would you prefer ? Would you choose a Douglas fir? To cuddle up to the warm fur ? How about seeking a sweet Sugar maple ? How would you describe yourself ? Are you a :( sad Weeping willow ? Or a happy Honey locust .

Are there any you would avoid ... like a Knotty Pine or a Quaking As pen .



  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)


  • edited November 2020

    I’ll give it a try.
    A giant sugar maple, like I had behind my house when I was young. I’d build a little fort. And disappear into my cuddling tree.

  • edited November 2020

    Sap and bark and needles and leaves and bugs no thank you ! Great to look at though I do love me some trees

  • I'm a Charlie Brown Christmas tree, all alone out in the cold, just waiting for someone to wrap me up in swaddling clothes, take me home and give me love 🤗

  • I would cuddle a Mortan Bay fig, with its giant roots and wide branches and smooth bark. To tell the truth I did so many times as a child.

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    Oak trees are my muse and confidante. I hug them and allow myself to be hugged by them. At least spiritually. They've been pretty good substitutes for human beings. Especially as a loner. No one wants to interact with a self professed loner. That's a potential social hazard one would rather avoid!

  • Weeping Willow, to hide me away in it's all encompassing embrace.

  • I typically feel the welcoming of older, well established trees, with gnarled trunks and patches of moss. But it depends... I've been on walks where multiple trees called out to me... and I've been out and about without so much as hearing a whisper... It just depends on the trees, the day, and me.

  • A white pine was one of my best childhood friends. I'd climb to the top where the trunk narrowed and let the wind rock me as I held onto it. So yeah. White pine.

  • If cuddlers were like trees? I'd be surrounded around my house by cuddlers! Cool :)

  • @OhioMike Looks like a cuddle party in your backyard!

  • [Deleted User]lovelyhugs (deleted user)

    Lol, I am the worst gardener. Does not matter what tree as long I was cared for by owners with a green thumb blessed by God. Then I would live a long and fruitful life.

  • For some reason I have always felt drawn to willows. They seem to have a larger presence than other trees, but at the same time feel more human. In forests they appear to be less competitive when it comes to growing taller than other trees, and they offer so much protection for the life below them, which is unique for a tree. They’re captivating and so I would pick a brooding willow anytime 🥰

  • Strangler fig, mwahahahaha

  • @OhioMike You have the perfect pond to get some dummies at Halloween and float them, have a sign in the front of the yard with an arrow pointing to the pond that says “Where the bodies are” and when people come to see it you come out of the woods dressed as Jason. Yes, Halloween passed too soon for me.

  • @Allerdale you describe the willow so beautifully, I want to look for a spot in my yard to plant one. My goal is that one day there will be no lawn, just trees and plants that mean something to me.

    @lovelyhugs if you’re not a gardener then an olive tree might be for you. I have two in front of my window. Never water them, even in the south Texas heat, yet they’re thriving. Plus if I ever get in an argument with someone, I can just break off a branch and settle the matter then and there.

  • Trees are un-moving, stiff, and uncaring. While they may be strong, your presence doesn't affect them. Whether you are there or not the tree is unaffected. The tree doesn't need you, the tree doesn't even want you. It will remain the same when you leave it. And they aren't even soft. Seems pretty unappealing to me.

  • edited November 2020

    @lonelybutmaybe ... on the contrary ... these days trees need us more than ever . The tree needs us to regulate timbering of the forests , and in city areas , tree surgeons are needed to prune away dead limbs to actually save it , there are tree professionals to identify and protect champion size trees etc. They have given us lumber for housing and boats for transportation for centuries, pulpwood for that cardboard box your computer was delivered in,and cordwood for cooking and heating , and best parts for beautiful furniture . I kind of think that the tree needs us to celebrate him

  • This is one of the coolest looking trees in the forest behind me.

  • I like palms because they make you feel warm and you can read them if you are clairvoyant.

  • @OhioMike What a magnificent tree. Reminds me of the Ents from Lord of the Rings.

  • @OhioMike ~ You're place looks gloriously transcendent! If you ever need a house sitter while off on a cuddle-spree, or some other fun adventure, look me up! 🤗

  • @FunCartel ....um negative on the floating bodies in the pond lol. But thanks.

    @cualtzin , @quixotic_life , I am very blessed to have found this home. Its the perfect place to be after a days work. And in Ohio with the seasons, its wonderful to see the blossoms in the spring, and the colors in the fall. And I do use house sitters btw!

  • Some of the seasons 😊

  • If cuddlers were like trees ....would this be a cuddle party?😂

  • edited November 2020

    @OhioMike My company is based in Columbus. And I return for training from time to time. So if you look in your backyard and you see a tent has popped up, don’t pay it any mind. 😊
    (Forgot to add the smiley to let you know I’m kidding)

  • Someone has a pretty tree on my street. It's a Weeping Bottlebrush. It's a native of Australia, but they seem to grow well in Arizona.

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)


    I'm pretty sure trees existed before we did as a species, and that they'll continue to exist after we're gone. Nothing in nature needs us.

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