How to get clients

Sorry I'm new here 🙈 and just looking for some tips from some of you lovely pros .


  • I don't know, I'm just a client. But I can tell you some minor things in your profile that would put me off. I'm not saying I wouldn't book you if I was close enough, but I would keep looking.

    Firstly, you need to get that little P for professional sorted out. Dealbreaker.

    Secondly, lose Freddy Krueguer from your pictures. I'm very happy that you're a spooky goth (a small plus for me), but that's a bit much in this context. And get all your pics the right way up, having one sideways makes it look like you don't care about this. Add a pic that isn't a selfie: selfies only makes it feel like you don't have any friends.

    Add a two or three hour option to the price list.

    Downgrade the 'drinks' field by one notch. And delete the 'children' field.

    The role-play stuff is dangerously close to what's not allowed on this site. Also, that's your thing, and what you should be caring about is the client's thing.

    In the text, write something that makes you sound like a professional. Find some professionals' profiles with lots of karma and friends and see what they write. Remember that most of your clients will be vulnerable people: they need to feel cared for, and safe from exploitation.

    At the moment you come across as somebody who hasn't considered, for example, how you would care for the emotions of a new client who has significant problems with touch due to childhood trauma. Being a cuddle professional is a serious commitment with serious ethical considerations and serious responsibilities. You may have thought about these, but there is no evidence for it in your profile.

    Anyway, welcome, and very best of luck.

  • There is a lot of tips in the forms for Pros Only you can read upon .

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