What have been the benefits of the Covid-19 lockdown and social distancing?



  • I agree with @Mike403’s first comment.

  • @FlyingToaster - That flight sim is awesome. I cant put it down. I only have an RTX 2060 until I can find a newer card in stock and it still manages to run and look good at high settings, 1080p x3(spanned across 3 monitors). Can't do ultra settings yet without it looking like a slide show.

  • @Mike403 I agree. When I play it, it seems like time goes by fast. Pretty soon, a half hour goes by and it feels like only 10 minutes.
    I've also heard it's more CPU-bound for now, but they're working on a DirectX 12 update that I've heard should make use of the graphics card more (currently it uses DirectX 11).

  • I actually used to wear a mask all the time because I didnt want to talk and I found some hella cute ones a few years back so now not only do I get to wear it all the time, it hides my breakouts and there are endless amounts of cute new designs

  • Personally and ironically I've had more time to socialize, cuddle, and date since work dried up. Also more time to hike and swim. Made some new friends. Aprendi un poco de espanol.

  • edited November 2020

    No benefits right now cus nothing is really locked down . Sure there are signs up about masks and distancing and some places are closing earlier. But it is not really a lockdown . Back when things were locked down I did enjoy the lack of traffic as it meant I could get up later for work and would get home earlier than usual. Also not gonna lie, those discounts and freebies for healthcare workers were kinda sweet for a minute there

  • By far the biggest benefit of Covid-19 is the training it has given us. We will be much better prepared when a really nasty pandemic comes along.

    In Western Europe we coped, but only just. Try increasing R from 3 to 4, and the fatality rate from 1% to 1.5%, and run the numbers. That gives you, what, 8 times as many deaths after 3 cycles? That means that hospitals are not overflowing: they are shut. No health care at all. Serious food shortages in the cities. Breakdowns in water and electricity supply. Civilisation on the brink.

    Covid-19 is just a big ol' pussy cat.

    I'm not belittling the pain and suffering of those who have been badly affected. I'm just saying that as a society we are still making TV shows for entertainment.... The Black Death killed 50% of the population.

  • @CuddleDuncan - We didn't learn from the 1918 pandemic.

  • @Mike403 Nope, we didn't. Exactly my point.

    Pandemic has been the number 2 or 3 risk to society for 100 years. And yet not a single country had any effective preparations. SE Asia was able to respond better than most because they've had a couple of dry runs in the last twenty years.

    I'm hoping that the people of the world will learn the lesson. I'm willing to bet any amount up to and including £5 that they won't.

  • edited November 2020

    I have several physician friends that I know through work and part of the pandemic preparation problem is the corporatization of hospitals. They are completely controlled by bean counters and lawyers whose primary concern is maximizing profits. Hence PPE stockpiling is not a priority, nor the everyday protection of healthcare workers, or a patient that does not fit cookie cutter care. Patients are blacklisted if they speak out too loudly and the terminally ill are shuttled off to hospice care hours before they die so the death is statistically not attributed to the hospital because mortality rates are used to market the hospitals. Hospital Administration is a popular business degree because it is more lucrative than going to medical school. We are all a part of a balance sheet now and that is one part of a larger issue. This is only about the healthcare side of the equation. I will not go into how public health policy has been politicized for years.

    Case in point—while PPE is seen as overhead and pre-pandemic inventory levels were determined by cost analysis versus projected usage, whenever myself and an architect pitch design concepts for a new hospital or a remodel, no expense is spared—particularly in the ivory towers where legal and administration is housed. Hospital remodels and builds are routinely done for 2, 3 or 4 times the cost of what they can actually be built forbecause there is a marketing arms race in the business of healthcare. All perspective is gone in the mechanisms of healthcare. Nothing will change anytime soon from what I can see.

  • I was able to finally gain that 20 lbs I've always wanted ☹

  • edited November 2020

    I’ve gained the weight too. But now that I’ve worn the lbs. for a while, I find that they don’t really suit me. It’s been more than 90 days now, I hope it’s not too late to return them. 😕

  • @Designergirl ... ?Estas apreindiendo espanol? ! Muy Excellante!
    ?Como esta su fin de semana?

  • The biggest benefit is the pandemic has allowed me to easily identify science deniers.

  • @FunCartel - But they got their medical degrees from Trump University.

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