What is a custom session?

I have a client that asked if there was anything custom I could do. I told him the rules up front about non sexual or the session ends and he said he didnโ€™t mean that. So what things could be custom, non sexual that would be nice to bring to a session? Face massage, foot massage, back massage? I just need some direction. Thank you for any input.


  • edited November 2020

    'Cuddling' in the sense we use it here covers such a wide range of activities that the idea of custom doesn't have a lot of meaning. The good pros bring the whole of themselves to a session, so cuddling can mean holding hands while walking in the park; listening; doing breathing exercises together; being present while the client cries; curling up together on the couch to watch a film; or of course actual cuddling. (And much more.)

    The only 'custom' activity I have encountered myself was a little massage, from pros who happen to have some massage training. I've seen aromatherapy mentioned, and I can easily imagine a pro with suitable training and experience doing a little yoga, meditation, or really almost anything that brings peace and comfort to a person.

    I would stick to what you know: don't do things you're not properly trained to do, you can end up doing harm inadvertently.

    What I would do with this client is discuss the wide range that cuddling already offers, and ask about why (not what) he is seeking this. It sounds like he is asking for help in some way, but he may not be fully aware of what help he needs or wants, or even what difficulty the help is meant to alleviate.

    Remember, if the customer is right it's immediately obvious. But it's very rare: the customer is most frequently catastrophically wrong.

    My gut feel is that this guy genuinely thinks he wants something extra, but that he is wrong and in fact there is something else going on.

    PS - I've just looked back at the original post to check I haven't missed anything, and only then did I realise it was posted by you! ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚

  • A custom session can be whatever you and your cuddler decide on to have a platonic, enjoyable session. Iโ€™ve had some that like to just sing karaoke songs, some that like to watch tv, others who play board games. It can honestly be whatever you guys want it to be as long as itโ€™s platonic. Heโ€™s paying for your time so if I were in your shoes I would simply say all the things Iโ€™ve done before in a session that wasnโ€™t primarily cuddling and then leave it up to him. I would say Iโ€™m open to suggestions as long as it adheres to the rules. Leave it in his court.

  • @cuddledoll1000 I would ask the person what they have in mind and then decide if it is something that you are ok with doing. Red flags might be something that borders on a fetish or kink , clothing requests , asking for things that border on sexual but not quite, which are all things someone might do to test your boundaries

  • Thank you Cuddleduncan. This helped so much. You are wise beyond your years.

  • @cuddledoll1000 at my age that's quite a compliment!!

  • Thank you pmvines and Shena123.I truly appreciate your input. Thank yiu fir the suggestions.

  • I know one of the local pro cuddlers in my area offers reiki (energy healing) and massage, so if you're trained in other modalities you could incorporate that. But yes as other commenters have stated, I would be cautious that he's not looking for something more fetish based such as clothing requests or something sexual like kissing.

  • The person that asked for custom was banned from the site. That answers a lot. Thank you all for your input.

  • Clothing request ? Can we cuddle in pajamas long sleeve long legged ? Red flag ?

  • That doesnโ€™t seem like a red flag to me (unless you want the butt flap open ๐Ÿ˜‚)

  • I believe that all clothing requests should be avoided unless asking to avoid a certain fabric due to allergies.

  • @Sheena123 butt flap ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    It reminded me of the great minds Beavis and Butthead

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