The Price of Professional Cuddling



  • @Brandi, 15% of $92 is $13.80. so her take home would be $78.20. So much for round numbers! Looks like she did it backwards: She started with the $80 she wanted to net, and tacked on 15% of that net ($12) to get $92. But the site wants 15% of the gross fee, not 15% of net. If she wants to net $80 after paying the site 15%, her gross fee needs to be $94.12. $94.12 minus 15% ($14.12) equals $80.

    Hopefully she's better at cuddles than arithmetic. [Just teasing, don't all flame me.] ;-)

  • @Morpheus, I agree that was bad form on her part. I know you have previously posted against seeing the same pro too many times (for fear of forming attachments?) so you have racked up sessions with lots of pros. And now the cumulative effects of some of the less-than-pleasing experiences has put you off pro cuddling, at least for a while.

    That's why I prefer the approach of meeting just enough pros to find ones you really like, and then seeing them over and over again. I have no fear of becoming too attached --- it's just not an issue for me. Because I know my regular cuddlers well, I know what I can expect. With two locals pros to cycle through, plus one at the terminus of each of my regularly repeating business trips, I can pretty much cuddle at will without risk of unpleasant surprises. And having regular clients like me also lowers risk for the cuddlers, who don't have to play the "Russian roulette" game of meeting new and untried clients. Win/win.

    Finally, since this thread is about pricing, people may find that some cuddle pros offer better pricing for regulars.

  • @Mike403. Yep. It even pays well. LOL

  • I do have a regular who is not on cuddle comfort. I pay her for an hour and she generally stays and cuddles for two to three hours and then we go to lunch. We've gone out to lunch or out for coffee a few times off the clock as well.

  • @quietman775 I've been mind boggled several times by looking at some of the prices that pros charge on this site. There is one pro in LA that charges $80 for one hour, $200 for two hours and then $350 for theee hours. That means that one hour is $80, at her 2 hour price, it's $100 an hour and at her 3 hour price, it's $116.67 an hour. How does that make any sense? Why would anyone pay for a three hour session when they can have three one hour sessions and save $110 lol

  • [Deleted User]navyvet76 (deleted user)

    My guess is that pro only wants shorter cuddle be sessions and ups the price to avoid as many longer ones

  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)

    After I include tip , and care package , I'm at 100 / hour

  • One thing I've noticed that's interesting is that a 2 or 3 new pros at a time will show up all charging an oddball rate. They appear to never actually have any sessions, there's no karma left for them etc This leads me to believe that it's actually an agency if they're fake profiles.

  • edited August 2017

    My guess is that pro only wants shorter cuddle be sessions and ups the price to avoid as many longer ones

    That's a very generous conclusion.

  • [Deleted User]navyvet76 (deleted user)

    Or the pro simply does not understand Marketing really well.

  • That pros account has also been suspended lol

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