Who is real pro and non pro?

How can i tell if any of these people are legitimate cuddlers or not before agreeing to meet? Do you think i should make sure to speak on the phone first?


  • The biggest sign is a pink P on their profile saying they are a pro cuddler. There are people that are flying under the radar, charging for cuddles when they aren’t allowed. Those ones need to be reported.

    Unfortunately, if you’re talking about pro cuddlers being actually “professional “, they range all over the map. It is best to message them and chat with them, to see if you two connect. There is a rule the site has for pro cuddlers, where we aren’t able to meet with you until a booking is made, so it’s just best to keep the communication on site until you feel you are comfortable enough knowing you found a pro that suits you. Good luck!

  • It can be difficult. Karma is a good indicator, and so is a decent length of profile text. For more 'professional' professionals, the profile text will often discuss cuddling matters. Basically the professionalism of the profile is a good guide.

    However, there are of course exceptions. If in doubt, start a conversation and ask about their approach to cuddling and how they handle boundaries. Perhaps ask about their experience in working with clients who are new, nervous, or have issues around touch.

    In such a conversation it will become obvious pretty quickly what kind of professional you are dealing with. As always when meeting people from the internet, take sensible precautions and listen to your gut instinct.

  • [Deleted User]CuddleMeLater (deleted user)

    FWIW, having met tons of pros from this site, I can say that while they’re not all upstanding citizens, I still feel comfortable meeting them without extensive checking beforehand.

  • I would look for someone who has completed training, as that tends to indicate that they are serious about it. It's not foolproof but a decent starting point.

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