How do you virtual cuddle?

Hey everyone

I am having a few requests for a virtual cuddle but I don't know how. Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance


  • That is a great question.

  • @Veevie there are a few threads in the professional forum that explain how to do it.

  • [Deleted User]CuddleMeLater (deleted user)

    I always just chat. Just get to know the person and talk. I've heard of people who sing or play games.

  • Doing breathing exercises together can be good. Any standard de-stressing exercises. Also self-massage, just do it together to create a sense of togetherness. Simply talking about what you are doing is surprisingly effective.

    One I found good was hugging yourself, and then closing your eyes and pretending it is the other person. This is obviously better if you have previously met in person. If you keep your eyes open, look at each other and smile as you hug yourself imaginging it's the other person, that's good too.

    In other words it doesn't really matter. What you are trying to do is create a sense of peace, intimacy, togetherness and care, just like a physical cuddle.

    Is it all as good as a real cuddle? No, of course not. It is much better than nothing? Oh, yes.

  • I guess it is like cybercuddling. Hahaha. Good luck.

  • @CuddleDuncan that's what I do. We chat for a bit, do deep breathing and then I call it “mirroring” me hugging myself. It still releases oxytocin. It can be very relaxing and fulfilling.

  • @Veevie well, you aren’t a professional so it’s as easy as just giving someone your Skype name or video chat name to connect with them and chatting away. You aren’t charging anything or making any money so you don’t have to worry about a booking panel or money. Just send info back and forth and talk away ☺️

  • Or you can do sports trivia and eat desserts in front of each other

  • Lol! @hugonehugall I’m still trying to think of a quiz to write for you 😂😁

  • Honestly I'm not sure. I had a video session with a pro cuddler a few weeks ago, and while I enjoyed it, it was more of a conversation than a cuddle session. I enjoyed it, I just am not quite sure how a virtual cuddle could work effectively.

  • @Veevie I usually have my space set up to where it sets a calming mood. I use the mirroring technique to invoke the same cuddle feeling we would have during a session. Even though at first it can be a little different it turns out to be very satisfying and therapeutic. Good Luck!

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