Is it a lot harder for men to become cuddlers?

[Deleted User]bengoldman94 (deleted user)

I recently joined (looks like a great community) just wondering if it's worth it for men to become a pro :)

I am a great cuddler and conversationalist and would love to become a part of the community but aren't sure where to start or how long it takes to get a booking being a male? (I've only had the profile for 2 days)

Any input is welcome and appreciated thank you so much!


  • Totally worth being a male pro if you are willing to pay women to hire you.

  • Moving this to Professional Cuddling forum.

    @bengoldman94 - you may want to read up here and here. Great info and some pro tips, here.

    Happy cuddling.

  • Most people of this website will discourage you. I say, do what makes you happy. I also know personally that I would be willing to hire a male professional. So there are women out there like me looking for cuddles from people like you. There is a financial concern as I think the website requires men to pay a fee upfront. It is totally up to you. I wish you all the best.

  • @Importance - If I switch to a pro account, then would you hire me? I'm kidding.

    Jokes, aside, yes men pay $20 per month and nobody is talking down to them being a pro, but we let them know the truth and they will likely not get any clients unless they're willing to cuddle other men.

  • It's a difficult question. There are lots of women out there who want and need to be cuddled, but at present the market for male professionals is miniscule. You might get lucky and find one or two people near you, but you might not.

    Ignore the negative vibe merchants, but recognise that if you want to make any money at all from cuddling you have a mountain to climb. One day a man will climb that mountain and be the first successful male professional, and you seem thoughtful enough that it might be you.

    This is indeed a great community and there is a lot of advice here. Spend some time on the forum and with the profiles of successful professional females.

    There is a thread here on the professional cuddling board with a list of cuddler training programmes. If you are serious, look into those and do at least one of them.

  • [Deleted User]bengoldman94 (deleted user)

    Thank you guys so much for the helpfulness! Will take all of that into account.

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