Thoughts on cuddling during the pandemic?

Hi! I am a pro cuddler in Florida and I just wanted to see everyone’s opinion about cuddling during the pandemic? Thoughts? Experiences? etc


  • Wheee cuddles!!

    I'm doing quarentining for weeks between cuddle people, mask wearing every time I go anywhere, wiping down the grocery cart handles, and do a mess of hand sanitizing before, during and after shopping - a mini bottle is attached to my keychain and I keep a refilling bottle in the car. On returning to the car I use an extra bit so I can wipe down the steering wheel, stick shift, and e-break too (if I adjust the stereo or touch my phone/charge cord, I resanitize my hands).

    I do all that not because I subscribe to any CDC prevention theories, but because I don't know what kind of c-19 sprinkling fairy may have jumped on me while out and about, or how well it might hold on while I re-enter the car... So on the off chance, one that was at the beginning of their shift had hopped on, went flying through my space as I got in which caused their little germ bag to let out a 'poof' of eww all over the place, I'm neutralizing any surface it might have landed on (and I don't take off my mask until my car's in motion and filtering the air).

    I'm not a scientist, but I'm pretty sure it's due to a mild winter that those little buggers are reproducing at an alarming rate and we're seeing higher numbers of contagion on the daily ~ So I'm not taking any chances!

    Anywho... Whoot!! I'm ready!! 🚫🧚‍♀️🧫🦠
    So bring on the snuggles!!!! 🤗💓🥰

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