Things you love with your senses

For your senses, name 1-3 things that you love to experience with each sense!

Taste: Sugar Cookie Sleigh Ride tea, blueberry waffles, snickerdoodles

Smell: Petrichor, fresh cut grass, Yankee candles

Sight: Ominous clouds, twilight sky, wide open fields of grass

Hearing: Light rain, typing on a keyboard, "In the Waiting Line" by Zero 7

Touch: Mild breezes, caresses, gentle hairplay

Now you try! I would love to read what you enjoy with your senses.


  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)
    edited August 2022

    Taste: Chocolate, Pretzel & Coconut Water with Pineapple

    Smell: Fresh Coffee, Wild Strawberries, Clementines & White Musk

    Sight: Stars, Full Moon & Colored Neons

    Hearing: Crystal Bowls sound bath, Brown Noises & Cat Purrs

    Touch: Water, Squishy Texture (like stress ball or foam memory) & the ocean breeze.

  • Taste ~ The combination of peanut butter and chocolate, good Italian food, super ice cold water on a hot day

    Smell ~ a barn of happy horses and hay, apples and cinnamon pies baking, campfires, saddle and harness leather

    Sight ~ lighting bugs in a dark field, right before dawn when a full moons out, bright blue fall sky's against the color of fall leaves

    Hearing ~ a low diesel rumble and the tap of old school rain caps on exhaust stacks, nature night sounds crickets frogs ect, happy dancing doggie Paws and tags jingling

    Touch ~ the comforting secure feeling cuddled up with a pet or trusted person, the weightlessness of water when swimming, warm sun on my face on a cool day

  • These made me smile 😃

  • For me ;
    Taste, sausage and gravy, home made

    Smell, early morning on a mountain lake when it’s covered in fog

    Sight, the view looking out of a small plane at 12K feet when you can see the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean at the same time !!!

    Hearing, the sound of a 50’s Ford big block engine with Cherry Bomb glass packs and I can’t leave out a fully loaded Mack coal truck rolling off a mountain with the Jake Brake singing it’s tune !!!!

    Touch, the wonderful feel/touch of a cuddle partner who is enjoying the cuddle as much as I am

  • edited August 2022

    Oh I love this!

    Taste: Egyptian licorice tea, dark chocolate, cold fruit

    Smell: the ocean, sandalwood and amber

    Sight: an unobscured night sky where the galaxy is easily visible, looking through a telescope and seeing Saturn's rings, visuals from my favorite artists.

    Hearing: rain, snow, dubstep, my dog dreaming

    Touch: soft things. My house is surrounded by blankets, plush fuzzy and furry pillows,

  • What a wonderful thread!

    Taste: salty and sweet … dark chocolate and
    Ruffles potato chips, or salted almonds and dark chocolate.

    Smell: fresh coffee, the smell of oncoming rain, freshly cut grass (and weirdly add to the grass some cigarette smoke and you have the smell of fall football)

    Sight: the way the sunlight can dance and make shadows on the mountains when it is a bright day with white cotton candy clouds in the sky, and a glassy calm lake that recedes into the mountain cove and also mirrors the mountain’s reflection.

    Hearing: the rain and thunder of a spring storm, the quiet of a freshly fallen snow, the purr of my cat, the sound of their (niece or nephew) sweet little voice when one of my nieces and nephews calls my name

    Feel: the purr of my cat and the texture of her fur, the respirations of a baby sleeping on my chest

  • Grounding is so lovely…
    Taste: mom’s lasagna or Chex mix, yummy popcorn 🍿, peanut butter and chocolate together (ideally in ice cream)

    Smell: forest after a rain, the ocean, so many Essential oils! My favorite right now is Whisper.

    Sight: the night sky 🌌 with unpolluted air, someone I love looking at me with love, the joy of a sunset on the mountains or beach.

    Hearing: singing with loved ones, rain on a tent roof when I’m cozy inside, crickets and frogs on a summer night

    Touch: my fluffy kitties as they snuggle, holding hands especially with someone I care for deeply, and strong, secure hugs or cuddles…

    @RaveHeart , thanks for starting this thread. 💕. and thanks to all who have shared!

  • This is a wonderful topic. Well done, @RaveHeart.

    The rich umami of a steak so rare it's bleeding, and so tender it fills your whole mouth with flavor almost before you even start chewing.

    Lilacs, sweet and intensely floral, almost heady.

    The transition between an enclosed area and an open one, from close darkness to soft light opening a wide space.

    Difficult to describe.

    The thrilling fullness of a four-part harmony, every note in place, enhancing the others.

    Scratches that almost hurt.

  • I love all of these so much! Thank you all for your wonderful shares 😄 @Rezz, you including dubstep in your hearing likes didn't escape me 😉

  • @RaveHeart We have some things in common!

    Taste: grilled cheese, macaroni & cheese, honestly any good combination of a carb with cheese 🤤

    Smell: petrichor, balsam fir, cooking with lots of garlic and herbs

    Sight: horses galloping, waterfalls, light passing through gemstones

    Hearing: musicgasms, thunderstorms, children laughing

    Touch: hot baths, burying my feet in warm sand, deep tissue massage

  • @RaveHeart - love the idea of this thread!

    TOUCH - I am a very tactile person and one of my favorite sensations is holding the leather cover that I put on notebooks. I have a couple of leather covers but this is my favorite…

    SMELL - I grew up in a farm and I love the smell of fresh cut alfalfa. I also love the smell of fresh baked cookies out of the oven (even though I no longer eat them) and the smell of pine trees and wild flowers when I am out mountain biking.

    SOUND - one of my favorite cuddle spots is about 2’ from a stream that runs through a state park here in Indiana. After a rain, when the water level is up just a bit, the water makes the most incredible sound flowing over some rocks just a few feet from where my cuddle partner and I put our blanket.

    SIGHT - where to begin… Looking down at the earth from 10,000’ during a sky diving jump, watching the sun drop over the ocean in Florida, Zion National Park.

    TASTE - fresh fruit, especially strawberries and watermelon.

  • @RaveHeart

    It's not for everyone. For me it's bliss. 🤣

  • Sight

    • A charcoal grill loaded with Korean BBQ
    • A fresh & Juicy Pineapple
    • A large fountain


    • The sizzling sound of the meat cooking on a charcoal grill
    • The sound of pineapple being cut
    • The splashing water in a fountain


    • The meat as I turn it over on the charcoal grill
    • Pineapple chunks
    • The water falling in a fountain


    • Korean BBQ being cooked to perfection
    • Freshly cut pineapple
    • A clean fountain


    • Kalbi, Bulgogi, Mesquite Pork, Black Pepper Beef
    • Anything pineapple flavored
    • Bottled water while beside a fountain
  • @Charlie_Bear yum! Bulgogi 🤤

  • Bulgogi is amazing. Made some at home the other day, paired with that kimchi 💗💗

  • @Rezz I hear ya. I just love that you posted dubstep and your username is Rezz 😄

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