Uncomfortably Comfortable

SO many of the women on this site are "intimidatingly" pretty. Does anyone feel the same? Or even know what I mean?


  • SO many of the women on this site are "intimidatingly" pretty. Does anyone feel the same? Or even know what I mean?

  • Clearly, I have NO idea how to use the Forum!

  • Honestly, it is not that I disagree, and I may be about to share a not so popular statement.

    I think there is a very solid cross section of what we see in normal every day life for the most part - men and women of all different types of looks, ethnicities, shapes, sizes, etc etc etc. However, I do also feel there are a number of young women that know they would be what is stereotypically considered attractive that are here as "pro's" to capitalize on their looks.

    I am NOT saying I take issue with that - it is really just an observation and not at all different from those doing the same as social influencers and more. I think it is simply a part of our current society.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @sdcuddleguy I share your observations.

  • edited September 2022

    As someone that is intimidated by pretty much everyone, I actually don’t feel that way on here. I think it’s because I am looking for cuddles and not anything else. Where I would feel anxious trying to, say, date someone - simply trying to be friends isn’t anything that makes me feel uneasy. I guess I have zero confidence in my dating game but am overflowing in confidence when it comes to just being a friend 😅.

  • [Deleted User]Momoo (deleted user)

    IME it's only intimidating if one isn't used to interacting with attractive. I sorta have to because of my career so I'm used to it; as such I don't see folks on this site in that way.

    I'm positive there are many people on this site who feel the same way as you, OP. I doubt you'll here from many of them though, they'll be too embarrassed or ashamed to say anything.

  • @AnyoneAnyone There is something called 'pretty privilege' and women like that are likely to be in higher demand for cuddles. I personally don't think they are "intimidating" but many men may think that. If you are intimidated by their attractiveness, I don't think that would have a bearing on whether you can book them if they are a pro. I suspect most of them are more concerned about business.

  • [Deleted User]Momoo (deleted user)
    edited September 2022

    -deleted because it's too off-topic-

  • Three things to remember.

    1) Their farts stink just as bad as yours or mine. (Well, perhaps not mine but that's another story. 🙄)

    2) In many cases, what you are looking at is the best photograph taken of them in the last couple of years. And perhaps influenced by hair and makeup expertise, flattering lighting and a filter.

    3) The women are not "intimidatingly" anything. The "intimidation", or whatever it is, is entirely within you. Your comment actually puts the adjective in the wrong place. I'm not having a go at you, it happens all the time in all kinds of contexts. But it's important to remember that "I feel X" does not mean "The subject is doing X".

  • Great perspective @CuddleDuncan. @AnyoneAnyone, I do tend to feel intimidated by beautiful people in person, especially women. The majority of my experience here, specifically with pros, is that they have a good heart and are offering cuddle sessions out of that goodness. Usually after exchanging a few messages, all hints of intimidation have left me.

  • @CuddleDuncan looking forward to that story 😅🍿

  • Never been an issue for me. Most of my platonic friends are attractive women.

  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)

    I think what people consider beautiful or attractive is subjective to one person to an other. so like whatever feeling of intimidation you feel it is something personal within you, not sure what else to say...

  • edited September 2022

    If you are looking for a pro try to set up a session. I'd bet upon being with them for a bit you won't be intimidated. If you are looking for a non pro good luck finding one here to cuddle with you. On the other hand, maybe if you see a pro and get over being intimidated and realize that regardless of their looks they are flesh and blood like everyone else, you might be able to better communicate with a non pro.

  • edited September 2022

    @AnyoneAnyone believe it or not , even good looking people feel awkward and intimidated, and often are lonely because as you stated , they are intimidating so people dont approach them and if they do its because they want something from them .

    The more self confidence and belief in yourself, the less.intimidated you will be around others. I'm sure there are some amazing things about you that you perhaps either don't recognize , or you choose to ignore. Try to look within and make self love and self care a priority, and find the good qualities within and make them your mantra . Make a habit of looking people in the eyes and walking with your head held high and shoulders back. I promise that not only will your confidence build, but it will change the way you interact with others . Good luck to you.

  • Even as a Pro I get slightly intimidated.😅 Some of us have a hard time showing our personality in pictures (or maybe just me). Then there’s others that look like their just full of life. Much respect to them, I’m still figuring it out. Just an added thought I guess.

  • Bear in mind some are using filters and a few of those who look too good to be true are, in fact, scammers using fake photos. If they have a new account and no karma it may be the latter.

    They are humans just like you. You might make it a point to seek out the more plain folks who may be overlooked by those who gravitate towards the conventionally attractive ones.

  • It’s always seemed to me like a pretty random selection of people, with no bias one way or the other as far as physical attractiveness.

  • I've definitely noticed a large amount of young, skinny, pretty female Pro's, here.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • It's not a bad thing 😅

  • @Charlie_Bear I'm the same as you, when it comes to dating and attractive woman I am terrible, but with this site and just platonic cuddles and nothing else I fine it a million times easier to relax and converse. Or if there is silence it's not awkward like when you on a date and you run out of things to say.

  • How is this a bad thing I don’t get it

  • edited September 2022

    I've definitely noticed a large amount of young, skinny, pretty female Pro's, here

    I guess upon reflection my statement wasn’t really accurate. CC pros are not exactly a random cross section of women; for instance there are definitely a lot more pros in their 20s than in their 60s.

    Still, there are lots of different body types and appearances represented. And because I’ve apparently got too much time on my hand I computed that the median age of active female pros in my area is 31 (mean 31.5).

  • All the decent [respectful of other's boundaries] people on this site are attractive!! Good noticing OP!! 🤗

  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)

    This thread have started to feel a bit weird...

    I've definitely noticed a large amount of young, skinny, pretty female Pro's, here.

    @SunsetSnuggles and?

    SO many of the women on this site are "intimidatingly" pretty.


    It honestly doesn't matter how you think people look. Also it shouldn't matter to anyone how their cuddlers/pros look like. So you are pretty new here, maybe you should add a little bit more info to your profile, so that other people can get a better feel of who you are and whats make you, You.

    Im not part of those skinny/young female, some people are refering too here... but even if I was it doesn't matter. Most people who have msg me did it because they took interest of the personality and interest I show on my profile.

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