More views

How do you get more profile views?!


  • edited November 2022

    Try engaging people in the forums, join topics and whatnot 😌

  • I can't tell if you're asking how to see more views on somebody else's profile, or if you want to add more photos on your own.

    If the former, open their profile. First, click on their main image. It will (usually) get larger. If they have more than one photo, they will be displayed to the right of the main one. Repeatedly click the right arrow, until you get back to the beginning.

    If you're wanting to add more photos to you're profile, click your avatar photo in the upper right corner. Click "Edit Profile" on the drop down box, then click "Edit Photos," and proceed like you did when you first entered a photo.

  • @GoldenChi1d - I think that I completely misunderstood what you're asking.

    There is really nothing that you can do to get more people to look at your profile. That's completely out of your control. However, there is quite a bit that you can do to get more people to respond, once they look at your profile.

    To do this, you want to differentiate yourself from all of the other pros. You want to try to make the reader feels that he knows you. I read your profile, and come away thinking that I know virtually nothing about you. For a start, fill out a lot more of the Facts section. e.g., are you in a relationship? Do you have children? Do you have pets (even if the answer is just "None").

    In the "About Me" section, it's impossible to tell a guy who you are, in two brief sentences. Don't be lazy. Three or four paragraphs will do much better.

    Finally, adding some additional photos will also help.

  • Moved to Pro Cuddling forum.

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