Cuddle Puddle: do they exist in real life?

I’ve heard the term “cuddle puddle”, but have no idea how to find one. It sounds WONDERFUL!!
Any thoughts, experiences, or suggestions on finding them in a geographic area?



  • Yes they do exist in real life. They usually occur towards the end of a cuddle workshop/party. This website does not specialise in such things - although they do get mentioned here occasionally - so turn to Google and search terms like cuddle workshop and cuddle party.

  • Sure do ☺️☺️🙂

  • @sofaking2 there are LOTS!!! Facilitated like @CuddleDuncan mentioned and also just a few people who connect as a group. 😊😊😊

    @RadiantHugs does quite a bit in Austin. He might be a fabulous contact for opportunities in TX.
    Also…. There’s a big thread about people all over who want to host or attend cuddle Parties.

    There is such a benefit in a group thing that is very different than the beauty gained in a one on one snuggle.


  • I've only seen them at burns, but then burns are also the only place where I have seen group cuddling happen so YMMV.

  • Cuddle puddles!!!!!!!

  • @calintz What’s a burn?

  • [Deleted User]blazingcuddles (deleted user)

    We always had them in clubs or raves.

  • Check out contact improv! Cuddle puddles often happen there. I highly recommend contact improv for anyone who loves dance/movement, physical touch and connection.

  • edited November 2022

    Thank you @sillysassy for the mention!
    Yes, I host cuddle party events in the Austin area, and a cuddle puddle is often a part of those! Sometimes it's facilitated, other time it just happens naturally. Here is a carefully edited pic from a recent event - this one just happened to fall together in the middle of the event.

  • i want in on one

  • @calintz So glad to run into another burner in the Cuddle Comfort community! Before finding Cuddle Comfort, much of my cuddling and group cuddling experiences were at events or parties put on by those in the burn community.

    I grew up attending youth Quaker conferences in middle and high school and cuddle puddles were common there as well. I feel very lucky to have that exposure to trust and platonic affection in that community and have found myself seeking out that same kind of comfort and connection in the groups I've befriended as an adult. Along with burners I've found that members of acro yoga communities are often open to cuddle-puddle-type experiences as acro yoga already involves a great level of comfort with sharing safe and platonic physical contact with others.

    I know there is an organization that does training in leading cuddle puddles specifically called Cuddle Party and they've trademarked that term. I've looked locally and sadly I haven't found any of the registered facilitators nearby to be hosting any events. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for events to attend and eventually I'd like to do the Cuddle Party facilitator training myself.

  • Yessss! I used to throw cuddle puddle parties at my place many years ago. 💜🤗🥰

    I wonder if someone's name is cuddlepuddles on here. Hahaha 😆😍🤗

  • edited November 2022

    @dave31415 Burning Man-type events. In layman's term, they are hippie festivals. The ones I've been to have been much lower key than BM though still pretty interesting experiences.

    @calmcontact What kind of training would one need to lead a cuddle party? At first glance, it doesn't look that complicated to implement, at least to my very untrained eyes.

  • is this like a cuddle mosh pit? If so, I'm game

  • edited November 2022

    @calintz leading a cuddle party is extremely difficult and potentially dangerous. If all goes well, then yes, sure, it's pretty straightforward. But there are potentially huge problems. The skill is not so much in being able to deal with them if they happen, although obviously you do need that, but in preventing them from happening in the first place.

    How do you prevent bad actors from exploiting the situation? I mean people who have come with the explicit intention of sexually assaulting others in the confusion of bodies. Bearing in mind that they may genuinely believe there is nothing wrong in doing that. Or people who aren't planning that, and know that they shouldn't, but can't resist?

    How do you stop people from asking for the contact details of others after the event? Because this is VERY not ok. Some attendees are extremely vulnerable, and for them such a request can be a serious attack.

    Such events can bring up powerful and very unexpected emotions. It is normal to have a 'sit-out area' where people can ... well the name tells the story really. It is essential to have assistant leaders who can look after people who are having a hard time. It is not uncommon for somebody to leave in tears in the middle, or even at the beginning. You need enough helpers to deal with a second incident while the first one is happening, while still looking after the main body of the group.

    What's your after-care service? Such events can cause real harm, and you need a plan for how to deal with the aftermath.


    @calintz @calmcontact I'm not actually a burner myself (merely burner-friendly) but I've met several in the cuddlng world. This is definitely a Venn diagram situation.

  • Yes they do! My close friend group and I would pull out the couch bed and grab some soft blankets and extra pillows to use. Effectively it was three families and a few friends added here and there. We used these times to help teach platonic touch to our kids. This world is sex driven and out young ones are sexualized at a very young age. We had 3 girls and 3 boys that have benefited from this kid if exposure. You can touch someone and not mean you wanna have sex.

  • edited November 2022

    What @CuddleDuncan said. It is probably not that difficult for anyone to organize and host one, and if all works out well then there isn't anything to worry. The real training comes into play handling correctly when something goes wrong. And a good part of that is running the event in a way that anticipates things which might happen and having a plan in place for those things.

  • @CuddleDuncan I think you make a great point that its "all fun and games" until there is something unexpected. This is absolutely true.

    @calmcontact you're right, CuddleParty originated some of the ideas but there are a lot of people who love the world of cuddles and are trained to handle some difficult situations.

    One thing that @CuddleDuncan didn't hit on and @RadiantHugs addresses....

    A lot of people come to the cuddle world because of past trauma. LOADS of past trauma. They might be trying to find a safe place to learn about boundaries from the workshops or explore consensual touch in a VERY LIMITED WAY.

    Its safe to say there are at least TWO DISTINCT kinds of cuddle puddles. The ones where people are more familiar with each other and the idea/experience of platonic touch (or have very fluid ideas about boundary and consent) or the second kind A FACILITATED ONE ..... Something that involves a workshop, some non-touch exercises and some capable leadership who has a bit of training dealing with big emotions.

    I know there are quite a few pro's who connect with more than one other person at a time. This would already basically be a "group cuddle" and I've even asked pro's like @justjennn who are experi

    A lady here in Boulder, CO does quite a few cuddle parties and I know she has done some training in the past.
    Another great way to find cuddle parties in your area is to look on MeetUp because they are specific to the area of your choosing.

    @Cadawin I love that!!! Changing the future generations awareness one kiddo at a time ♥️♥️♥️

  • It happens if you cuddle and you turn into a puddle

  • Wow! Really insightful and helpful post! Much respect and appreciation for you trained facilitators. Like several, I came into this discussion thinking one thing and am leaving with a much deeper and more insightful perspective.

    Thank you to those who facilitate and are trained to deal with so many personalities and potential concerns.

    All that said, I would still love to find one and be included at some point in the future!

  • @RadiantHugs how was your recent cuddle puddle? Any learning experiences or people moved to emotion from the abundance of feels?

  • Besides the "legit" cuddle puddles I've experienced at organized group cuddles and at peoples' houses, I have twice had the lovely opportunity to share a cuddle puddle with a cuddle buddy, two sweet dogs, and a very affectionate cat. 👧🏻🧔🏼‍♂️🐶🐕🐱 Soooo sweet!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited November 2022

    @sofaking2 it was great, these run a full house nowadays and most people report leaving filled and relaxed. I'm hosting the next one Dec 11. We have an agreement about confidentiality, so I can't really tag anyone who was there, not to mention most of the attendees aren't on CC. However, the one person who came down from Dallas seemed open to carpooling, so if you both plan to come down for a future event I'll be happy to connect you!

  • @RadiantHugs thanks for the update and the offer!

    If anyone is curious like me or has questions or insight then please share. I learn every time some post.

  • @RadiantHugs please let me know the next time to host one a cuddle party.

    I really appreciate your insight and approach and it puts me at ease and gives clear direction.

  • @sofaking2 Ill let you know you when I do another one. I’ve taken a short break but will restart soon.

  • @RadiantHugs, thank you sir.

  • [Deleted User]KuddleMonzter (deleted user)

    I can never seem to find any in southern New England. In the southeastern Massachusetts or Rhode Island area …… which kind of makes me sad.

  • We use to have them monthly in Chicago. I haven’t seen one since COVID.

  • @KuddleMonzter there have been a couple in the past couple of months in the Western MA/Hartford area. Look on or search "cuddle party" on Some of the facilitators use EventBrite to book their events.

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