
Is it hard for men to have alot of clients?


  • Just wondering

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    You might get answers if your question made more sense. If you are a pro cuddler and a man…..then yes. Women just don’t need to pay to cuddle so you will have a hard time getting clients .

  • There's very little demand for male pros, and male enthusiasts looking to cuddle will most likely have to hire a pro.

  • Are you a Bot?

  • I'd argue if you are a male pro exclusively catering to female clients then yes, it is going to be harder to get steady business. But if you live in an area that has an active LGBTQIA+ community and are a safe person willing to cuddle all genders, then there absolutely is need for more male pros. Considering how much touch trauma stems from AMAB actions, it can be incredibly healing to find safe masc cuddle partners, pros or not. And when you're first starting out healing touch trauma, sometimes a well vetted pro can feel a heck of a lot safer than an enthusiast.

    That said - there are a few threads about this in the Professional Cuddling forums you may wish to check out that has perspectives written by male pros.

  • If I had the right opportunity, I would pay a male Pro for cuddling.

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