Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • I thought $80 /hour was the minimum a pro was allowed to charge. Maybe I'm mistaken.

  • edited January 2020

    $40/hour is the contractual minimum but $80/hour is the industry standard. Pros below 80 will always appear regardless but when adding the max-price feature, we set the max-min at 80 to limit influencing the existing economy. The feature wasn't added for bargain hunters, it was added to address the disparity in prices so that people could filter out the excess.

  • Diana Murphy was paid $1 million for a cuddle, which would have been a nice 15%.

  • P. S. That was Demi Moore in "Indecent Proposal".

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    @geoff1000 is it ' false flagging' to choose not to divulge your ethnicity on a social media profile? Is it any less 'false flagging' if someone chooses not to divulge their age if the site did give that option?

    Choosing not to divulge one's ethnicity on a displayed profile is not an attempt to hide oneself. For some it's an effort to gauge interest, intent and openness. For others it's a little more.

    To each his own.

  • edited January 2020

    For it to be "false flagging," there must be a default "assumed ethnicity." As in, I will assume you are X unless you state otherwise. So which ethnicity gets to be the default assumption, and why? If there is no general agreement on the answer to that question, then there can be no false flag. In other words. by not disclosing ethnicity, who is someone supposedly pretending to be?

    In my view, if someone just really needs to know what color your skin is (or where your great grandparents called home) before deciding to cuddle you--- and you didn't disclose this on your profile --- they can ask you. If you lie when asked,then you have misled them. Simply not volunteering the info in the first place is not misleading anyone.

  • The purpose of this site is to meet up, which means we should disclose characteristics that others might feel are important in a physical encounter. I'm saying that if the site has chosen to disclose certain characteristics ( gender, age, height, etc. ) why are we singling out ethnicity, as something to not declare ?

    Shouldn't we start by allowing optional non-disclosure of : children, relationship status, religion etc. which won't be obvious on meeting ?
    Orientation might be important, when considering same-gender cuddling.

    Cuddling is an intimate act, and if the site insists on the information that allows me to be : sexist, ageist, heightist, weightist, religionist etc. what is sacrosanct about ethnicity ?

    And why is it that if someone chooses to not cuddle a person on the basis of their ethnicity, that automatically means they feel some animosity towards or superiority over them as people ?

  • I only cuddle space aliens

  • @pmvines and you've still managed to collect 19 karma reviews! How do you do it?

  • The special space aliens filter 😋

  • I REALLY want a space alien selection in the dropdown menu. Like..... really really. :)

  • ICE would just use it as a means to deport

  • I'd like the stream of New Members on the Home Page to only include active members. I'm tired of seeing folks who haven't logged on in an eternity.

  • edited January 2020

    That's really only there for promotional reasons. It's intended for first time visitors who have yet to join.

    Once you are logged into your account, the 'New Cuddlers' at the top of your dashboard will actually be a live feed.

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    @geoff1000 I hear you say ethnicity should be treated with the same value as age,gender, height, religion, sexual orientation and therefore should be declared.

    That above sexual orientation, relationship status, children, religion, ethnicity is an obvious visible and observable physical characteristic that should be declared.

    Reserving ethnicity as an option to not disclose raises questions for you about the kind of criteria used to value one piece of personal information over another. Especially one that refers to a physical characteristic that is so observable.

    It also seems that you value openness and freedom of choice.
    You feel there is an unfair assumption of prejudice and ill will underlying a person's use of ethnicity ( background or skin color) in deciding whether or not to cuddle with someone.

    You are also questioning the thinking, reasoning and mindset and perhaps sentiment behind such an unfair assumption. Especially given the intimate nature of the activity the site promotes.

    For you it raises concerns about the underlying values being projected in respect of the site's partiality to allowing optional disclosure to ethnicity vis a vis other pieces of personal information that are not physically observable.

    And it seems that you are looking for thoughtful discussion around the above.

    Have I captured your sentiment correctly?

  • @Bles
    That's a good summary, thanks.
    Maybe we need a new thread if people want to continue it.

  • @Mark re "Once you are logged into your account, the 'New Cuddlers' at the top of your dashboard will actually be a live feed." can you explain please ... is this live feed just the new profiles regardless of location? I live in the UK and very rarely see a new profile from the UK. Is this because the site is mainly US based or is there there something wrong with my setup that isn't showing me UK based new cuddlers?

  • @empee
    I think it's just statistics, I only see the occasional newcomer in the UK. Less than 1 in 20 I'd say.

  • edited January 2020

    @empee The feed isn't currently based on location. It works the same for everyone but with some randomisation.

  • @Mark
    In response to your question:
    "@11rollover Are you suggesting people who don't provide their ethnicity should actually show in results where the searcher is trying to only see people of a specific ethnicity? That doesn't seem ideal but I might have misunderstood."
    No, I'm suggesting something else.
    Simply add "Do not wish to state" or "Not stating" as an Ethnicity option a cuddler can select. Like other options, it will show up unless unselected. Once this option is available, require cuddlers to select an Ethnicity when setting up their profile. Those like Bles, who purposely don't wish to identify an Ethnicity can select "Do not with to state" and will show up in more searches that way but won't show up when someone is looking for a specific ethnicity.

  • edited January 2020

    So as I understand it, this additional search option provides value to three segments: (1) Searchers who are looking for specific ethnicity but are willing to experience inaccurate results (i.e. inclusion of the undefined), (2) The undefined appearing in that type of search and (3) Searchers who have a particular curiosity in seeing which people didn't provide an ethnicity.

    Looking back at your earlier post, it sounds like you come under the first segment. You are willing to have inaccurate results for the chance that some of those undefined might actually be relevant to your search intent. Is that right?

    I think it can be done and shouldn't require a change at profile level. The option to not give your ethnicity exists already in the form of the dashed drop-down. So it's a matter of showing those people for this type of search. The only thing I wouldn't do is force people to make the choice - required fields are best kept at a minimum.

  • @Mark
    In response to your points above.
    (1) It would be an option like any other. So it won't show up unless it is checked.
    (2) The undefined would not appear in that type of search. It would only appear if "Do not wish to state" was checked by the searcher.
    (3) Yes, it would provide this

  • edited January 2020

    Ok thanks for the suggestion and I'll get this added to the roadmap.

  • @Mark or anyone else who knows this answer.

    When searching for a cuddler and using the different options to search (age range, ethnicity, pro/hide pros) etc., the drop down option for who THEY cuddle only includes men or women. If they've selected that they cuddle "everyone" on their profile will they show up in my search or be excluded?

    I know at the top of the search page you can select Man/Woman/Other but not lower about their preference. Just wondering if we're glitching a few people out with the filter.

  • edited January 2020

    Yes, those who cuddle ’Everyone' will show too.

  • @Mark
    A read receipt for messages sent.
    A like button on forum posts, and a page where you can see all your likes.
    A symbol on the search results page that indicates you have messaged someone and they have not messaged you back yet.
    An option in the search options to hide people who have read but not answered your first message yet.

  • Thanks @Mark for the clarification as always you are the BESTEST!! 😊

  • AceCuddlerMike, I have had the same thing happen, I now right click on the pic, then open it in a new window, so when you close that window, the same ones will still be there.
    Have you noticed how many times the SAME person will show up as a NEW member -?????

  • edited January 2020

    @MrPaul - I am against Like/Unlike buttons. They have been suggested several times and I always respond the same way. They make every forum post a popularity contest, discourage diverse viewpoints and only serve to massage the egos of those viewing their count or list of 'likes'. If someone likes or dislikes a post, they can post a response explaining why.

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