What have been some of your most cursed thoughts? (WARNING: potentially disturbing content)



  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    I am udderly amazed at this thread. I will let everyone in my cownty know about this. Just because I am in the moo.

    @FunCartel I feel like the following quip should be triple-spoilered in this day and age.

    WARNING: There is currently an outbreak of cow puns hitting the forums right now! Each of us must do the responsible thing and sanitize our posts to prevent any further spread of this Cow-vid 19

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @Tersay @pmvines What if driver ants rode sharks across the Atlantic ocean to attack the US? What do?

  • What instrument do they use to do surgery on a cow?


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    I hadn't herd that one before!

  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)

    So, the dad jokes thread and the cow thread have all cow-nvened here?

    That's a-moo-sing.

  • Why are cow skins so tough?

    They are covered in cowlluses.

  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)

    Alright, alright, you're milking it now. The puns are just getting cheesy.

  • Why do cows wear a bell ?

    Becowse they wanna make moozic

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    Do you get cow medicine at the farmacy?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Lots of people like pulpy orange juice but nobody likes chunky milk :disappointed:

  • What additive do cows put in their breakfast cereal to help their digestion ?


  • edited February 2021

    What happens when cows eat too mooch grass??

    They get dairy-rhea.

    What chocolate liqueur do cows like in their coffee ?

    Cream de cowco

    Why did automatic milking machines have to be invented ?

    Because the farmer was a true Love and he gave away all his Maids -a -milking as presents on the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth days of Christmas

  • Why do cows have hooves? Because they lactose.

    Also, more of an ear-worm, but cursed thought would be "It's A Small World" song. And I guarantee that just by mentioning the name of the song that I got it stuck in somebodies head.

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