

  • @corrithecuddler - Also take into account that many men can say that without it being true

    They may tell you that they have sexual favors with other pros just to get you to do it but it doesn't mean it's true.

    Stay safe

  • [Deleted User]grumpy_cat (deleted user)
    edited February 2022

    My bad Sid,

    I said the quiet part out loud. Wont happen again.

    First and only forum warning, @grumpy_cat . Professionals, not CC, are responsible for and dictate their own rates. If you, as a client or enthusiast, do not have an interest in hiring them, so be it, but this space will not be used to lecture, conjecture, or cast aspersions on ANYONE'S rates. [-Sid]

  • People are seeking companionship, not relationships.. I had seen a video somewhere about how a woman would not date a man if he did not have any feminine friends, going on to explain that if they have no female friends then he more than likely sees women as objects. I have also looked into hundreds of academic reports on video games and the harassment women deal with online, just through video games, I couldn't begin to imagine every other instance of harassment outside of that..

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