Kissing on other parts of the body

In cuddle comfort’s Client service agreement it says explicitly “no kissing” but I think most people think of kissing as a lip to lip action and it does not specify if kissing is allowed or not on other parts of the body. I have had clients kiss me on the forehead and cheeks and recently had a potential client request to kiss me on the neck. I am personally not comfortable with this and have heard that other professional cuddlers have allowed this kind of thing. On Cuddlist’s code of contact it states “ No exchanging of saliva, or any other bodily fluid, in any way.” Which I believe covers kissing on other parts of the face/body as well. I wish there was more clarification and clearer community guidelines on this issue.


  • If you’re exchanging bodily fluid by giving someone a peck on a cheek you either have a technique or health issue that needs addressing ASAP !! Lol with that being said obviously if it’s something you’re not ok with you have every right to shut that down on the spot. I assume they’re referring to kissing in the traditional term you were talking about swapping spit with tongues and lip action.

  • Good rule of thumb, if your family doesn't kiss you there, your clients shouldn't either.
    With that said... hard pass on neck kissing. 🤣

  • edited March 2021

    I've had professional cuddlers kiss me in a very chaste way on non-sensitive areas such as head, forehead or shoulders. Sometimes through clothing. I find it comforting, and I reciprocate. I must say that in the middle of a good snuggle I do find that sometimes it is very hard to resist the instinct to give a friendly kiss to whatever corner of my cuddle partner happens to be right in front of my face.

    Kissing on the cheek on arrival or departure is normal social behaviour for some people.

    I would say that in a cuddling context neck kissing is not ok. I quite like Envie's rule, familial-style kissing is fine.

    Obviously all of this is only if you're comfortable with it. And you're perfectly at liberty to say no kissing.

    @xandriarain I would suggest that you interpret the rule as follows. 'All kissing of all and any kind is flatly banned by the TOS. However, with certain clients with whom I have a good relationship I do sometimes engage in familial or social-style kisses. If you, as a new client, want to kiss my forehead, feel free to try and earn it: success is not guaranteed.'

    If a client says. "well some other professionial does this or that" then your reply is simply, "if that's what you want then go and see them". Spoiler alert: they won't. Either it's not true, or the overall service that you provide is better which is why they've come to you in the first place.

  • The neck kissing is a red herring here. If you don’t like the way someone touches you (or asks to touch you), tell them no. You don’t need a TOS revision to set and enforce a boundary.

  • edited March 2021

    Yep @BellaSera I agree . I don't care what is a site TOS thing and what is not. You violate MY TOS and we are having a problem! If a client ( or non depending on situation) lacks the interpersonal skills and moral compass to respect your personal boundaries, get them the hell away from you quickly and report them !

  • I don’t feel comfortable with being kissed by clients anywhere. I view kissing anywhere as a intimate act. I would never kiss a stranger on the cheek. I know some cultures are different. I think clients push the envelope and see what they can do. I had a client recently kiss my cheek. 10 minutes later a light kiss on neck. 30 minutes later he went in for a full on kiss. I told him no but there was a clear escalation of seeing what he could get away with.

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