Would you rather

I don’t want to say anything that will get me into trouble so I am just going to say I like the rock option the best.

  1. What would you rather do?25 votes
    1. Get Covid 🦠
    2. Get a Vaccine 💉
    3. Live under a rock and avoid both 🪨


  • @xandriarain - I'll let this stand for now, but note that this is the equivalent of chumming for sharks. We do not need further excuses for anti-vax, anti-science, and 18th century cries of "but mah freedoms." I'll shut this thread down in a hot minute and forum timeout the first transgressor.

  • @Sideon 👏👏👏👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🎉🎉🎉🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️🦸‍♂️❤❤❤ #ScienceRules

  • edited April 2021

    How big is the rock is there room for a toaster ? Will there be wifi ?

  • edited April 2021

    @pmvines I wish I could say but the animators of spongebob are not consistent.

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    I got the vaccine.

  • @Sideon I disagree with the premise that someone not excited about this particular vaccine or not wanting to get it is automatically anti-vax

  • edited April 2021

    @hugonehugall I agree, it’s completely valid to have safety concerns about a new vaccine that has not yet been officially approved by the FDA and is still in ongoing trials. I would love to get a covid vaccine if I knew for certain there would be no long term health complications. I also know there is long covid and a lot of unknowns with how covid will impact people long term, that is why I like the rock option.

  • I work in healthcare and got my shots done with as soon as they were offered. Yay, science!

  • @xandriarain I’ve spoken with a lot of people who are getting it because they have to ( I.E work reasons , travel reasons what have you ) but definitely don’t want it or feel comfortable getting it.

  • @hugonehugall - I did not say anything remotely like "...someone not excited about this particular vaccine or not wanting to get it is automatically anti-vax"? You are welcome to disagree and have your personal opinion about vaccines, but my premise begins and ends that this forum will not be used as a platform for mis-information and anti-science.

  • @Sideon I don’t believe there was anything about my comment or the OP’s post that promotes anti -science

  • @hugonhall it is a shame, I think everyone is afraid of being treated like a second class citizen and will be ostracized if they refuse the vaccine. I have even considered getting the vaccine for business related reasons. But at this point I think I’m going to wait at least until the trials are complete and the vaccines have been fully approved by the FDA. I want to see how people are doing a few years after they have been vaccinated.

  • @hugonehugall that is why the post and thread are still standing. If someone begins to spout misinformation he said it would come down. I think he made it crystal clear and he allowed your opinion and others in the thread to stand.

  • @xandriarain I’m curious to see what kind of restrictions will be placed on those who choose not to get it. You’re right ... it’ll be an interesting case study to see how the 2 groups are treated and how much of a normal life is available to each group.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited April 2021

    I don’t believe there was anything about my comment or the OP’s post that promotes anti -science

    @hugonehugall He never said there was. He was putting out a warning that this thread will be shut down if anyone starts spreading misinformation here.

    @pmvines There won't be room for a toaster or wifi, but there might be fancy ants!

  • Never in my entire life have I seen so many grown adults afraid of a needle. The risk from the vaccine is far less than any complications from getting the virus.

  • edited April 2021


    I would love to get a covid vaccine if I knew for certain there would be no long term health complications.

    Complications appearing only in the long term are very rare with vaccines. This makes sense - it's a once-off thing (or twice). Long term adverse effects from medicine are usually associated with medicines which themselves are taken regularly for years.

    It's also the case that the covid vaccines are not new in type. They are part of existing vaccine families, which are known to be very safe.

    Forget the FDA, they are administratively behind the curve. Tens or hundreds of millions of Pfizer and AZ doses have been given and we know they are safe. In the UK over 50% of the adult population have had at least one jag, and nearly 10% have had both. Everybody I know over the age of 50 has had it. We have integrated nationwide studies going on, independently of the manufacters. If there was a problem with either vaccine, we would know about it.

    The FDA itself, incidentally, recognised the UK's approval process as being as rigourous as its own. There are differences of style, but in the case of covid vaccines the answer is the same.

    Anyway, there is no such thing as certainty. Ever year or so, somebody somewhere in the world is quietly enjoying a cup of tea, or watching the telly, or some other peaceful activitity at home, when suddenly they are hit by a plane. Not a part of a plane (that's a whole separate thing, and much more common) but a whole plane. It's a while since anybody was killed by a meteorite, but lightening kills about 49 people a year in the US.

    Not being vaccinated is much, much more dangerous than the vaccine. (Personally, I would describe it as bordering on reckless.) Three months ago we couldn't say that with certainty: but now we can.

    Finally, for the avoidance of doubt, I would cuddle you in a heartbeat, vaccinated or not. Frankly, feeling the pain of your uncertainty on this question, I just want to give you a hug. 🤗

  • [Deleted User]mke12009 (deleted user)
    edited April 2021

    Anti science, anti Vax disinformation removed. You're welcome to your personal opinion about vaccinations. You are not welcome to spread disinformation or Covid. [-Sid]

    i wont be takeing it.

  • Thanks for playing. This thread is done.

This discussion has been locked.