No photo/blank profile



  • [Deleted User]APV (deleted user)

    I keep my search settings to only show me non-pros in my area. Most of the non-pros in my area have blank profiles, fortunately WITH full face pix. I do wish they'd fill in their profiles though...if there was something for me to comment on it'd be a lot easier and less awkward to start a conversation.

  • @MaullySterling I've gotten a couple contacts with photos. I've also still gotten contacts without, which I don't respond to. About 90% of the profiles in my area have no photos along with sparse profiles.

    Cuddling is biochemical and can have biochemical preferences/compatibility. In more ways than just oxytocin, but also in sex-specific and sexuality-specific pheromones. So, what is behind a zipper and someone's sexuality can matter and produce a feeling of comfort/safety, even if the act of sex is not on the table or desired. There's a lot of interesting studies on human pheromones that back this up.

  • There is another reason why a profile may not have a picture. I am blind. At first, I had no photo associated with my profile. I had help getting the one that's there. It can be highly problematic for people like me to take a good picture. Even if I know where to point the cammera, and it focusses correctly, the amount of light could be wrong. This could create shadows, dark photos, or ones that don't show up at all.

  • Thank you for the insight, @hifigeorge

    ...can I say that?

  • MaullySterling, , link absolutely.

  • @Nicalaos

    In regards to your original question as it relates to those with non-face photos (like a pic of a puppy, a river, or In my case a flower) it's usually for safety reasons as far as I have seen.

    I had my face on my profile when I first joined, but took it down after I got a lot of unwanted attention (sometimes because of my face pic). Of course I dealt with the inappropriate behavior as you should, but I was still uncomfortable letting those types of people know what I look like; especially if they live closer to where I live.

    I almost always share a pic after a brief conversation because most people here are pretty chill, but the few that turn out to be creeps or intrusive never get to see more than a flower.

    Maybe it's not the best 'solution', but I suppose it works for some. 🌻

  • [Deleted User]Chris55555 (deleted user)

    I couldn’t have said it better.

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