Am I over thinking it?



  • My experience traveling is the further south I go from Ohio the more nicknames or pet names I get. I find it amusing because that doesn’t happen in Ohio at all. But the sweeties , handsome, darlings etc idk they don’t bother me

  • Sorry folks but a woman calling a man 'baby' or 'buttercup' is equivalent to a man calling a woman 'sweetie' or 'honey'. None of those appellations are appropriate for an opening message to a stranger. It's a red flag and I would advise proceeding with caution.

  • @UKGuy


    I said earlier if the roles were reversed and a female had approached a male pro and received the same response we would be having a much different conversation here. I understand loose greetings and being lax, but sending that kind of message as a response to such a well written intro is not a good look for them or to members who are looking for genuine therapeutic cuddling.

  • I personally, as a pro, would not have spoken that way with just messaging someone. Like the others said, some people just talk that way, using pet names. I just personally wouldn’t want to meet with a Cuddler pro or non pro that would say “I’m totally into seeing you baby”. I wouldn’t feel comfortable.

  • edited May 2021

    @OhioMike exactly! See that is why I call you my sweet potato pie sugah bear

  • You’re overthinking it brother. Learn to appreciate the direct approach.

  • @pmvines what do I have to do to get such a fun nickname lol

  • @KariMeiSnuggles shhhhh. My nicknames for you are a secret

  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    @Domenick21 I appreciate your concern and desire to get things right. But you should also be cautious (for future reference) about identifying by name or profile an individual in question. Should you have decided to continue with trying to schedule her, there is a good chance she works have seen this, and that opportunity would have been gone. And if she was just using a pet name in all innocence, it is possible you may have just marked her reputation irrevocably. Reporting her would get the job done if she was truly a shady pro by letting the moderators do the research and pass final judgement.

    I do hope you find a good cuddle buddy. There are plenty out there!

    Edit (many hours later): I confused the OP calling someone out on this thread with his attempt to simply tag someone. I apologize for any confusion I may have caused. I'm leaving the rest of this past intact so any responses to it will be understood. Plus, I think it is still a good warning for anyon else looking to post or comment on threads.

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

    @creedhands , I don't believe that in any of my posts I gave the person's name or profile information. If I did, I'll gladly delete it. I actually made the effort to not post anything personal about the provider I had the experience with. Please show me where I did such and I will remove it.

  • [Deleted User]Spock (deleted user)


    You are overthinking it.

    Some people just speak that way - have you not watched any Friends episodes? Rachel calls all her friends ’honey’ or ‘baby’, especially when comforting them. Just calm down and enjoy it.

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

    @Spock, it was more than just the her use of a nickname but that's already been addressed. Thank you for your input.

  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)

    On your third post, you start with a link to her profile and then describe her profile a bit. Maybe I misunderstood? I was reading this thread after waking up in the middle of the night and not able to go back to sleep.

  • "pseudocuddlus adultservus. "
    @Catloaf Lol! You're a riot! :)

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

    @creedhands in my third post I was addressing someone else on this thread but I didn't know the proper way to tag them and when I tried that's how it came out. As to what I was describing, that was in response to the same poster's questioning why I sought out the provider in question. Even if "Appearance, location and something in common" were an attempt to describe a person, it's pretty generic and hardly enough information to know who I was referring to.

  • I can't help thinking it should be pseudocuddla adultservae. (Or pseudocuddlus adultservi, obviously.)

  • I had a pro refer to me as handsome, not sure why she would think that lol. Buttercup to me seems innocent but to others it’s worth reporting. Considering the fact that most people don’t respond at all I’d continue to chat with this person and suggest a meet up in public first.

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

    @Nickoli , if you are going to take the time to respond to a post, at least read the original post and see that the use of a nickname wasn't the only concern.

  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)

    I see now that snuggle with Sam is a previous poster in this thread. My apologies for the confusion. I see now you have figured out how to tag someone.

  • [Deleted User]dltedcuddler (deleted user)

    I feel like you are being needlessly difficult (overthinking).

    You initially wrote that they called you "baby," which is much different than "buttercup," in my opinion. Baby implies they may be a sex worker and buttercup just sounds like they're trying to be cute. So, you got the initial replies of "report her, she's a sex worker" until you clarified that she called you "buttercup."

    Also, your "other concerns" aren't major either... people don't always pre-meet.

    If you're worried, tell her that you want to meet before and see how she handles it. Vet people on here until you're comfortable, and don't meet anyone that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you want them to pre-meet and do other things, you might have to think about paying them for their time for that as well.

  • edited May 2021

    Replying to the original question, you were not overthinking it. Listen to your instincts. After all, our instincts incorporate the accumulated knowledge of years of experience. You could tell something was off. That’s exactly the purpose of this stage of the process. Conversation provides a safe opportunity to get a sense of the other person. The cuddler’s message was overly direct and familiar. So you declined further communication and moved on. Perfect.

    I’m puzzled, however, by the calls to report her and open speculation that she is a sex worker. That’s a fairly strong accusation, and not to be taken lightly. It’s a criminal offense in most of the US. But what we have here is speculation of a possible future violation of the TOS. I might suspect something, but I would conclude nothing based on the information provided. There were no prohibited words or phrases. There was not even an indirect reference to available services. I would have stopped communicating at the same point as OP. Not necessarily because I suspected something. But because I know I’m not a Buttercup.

    Some have said it costs nothing to report. I don’t understand. A proper investigation takes time and effort. Therefore, not free. I understand the desire to maintain the integrity of this site. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves regarding how we interpret other cuddler’s words. As for me, I cannot count the number of times I wish I had phrased something differently.

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