Am I over thinking it?

[Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

I realize I'm very new to this culture but if you were to send a message to a professional asking if they were accepting new clients and their response was along the lines of " I'm totally into seeing you baby" with out asking for a pre meet or looking at your profile, would this set off an alarm for you or is it just my suspicious nature overthinking things? As I said, I'm very new so don't hesitate to educate.
Thank you for any input.



  • That is not a way I would respond to that inquiry. So for me it would come off as something more. It’s not professional.

  • edited May 2021

    Yeah, that doesn’t sound like the species of cuddler I’d want to hire. It sounds like this person might be pseudocuddlus adultservus. Honestly, I would report just based on that red flag alone, if that’s truly how this pro was coming off. Unfortunately given that sex workers don’t have as many avenues to work with, and everywhere is chocked to the brim with competition these days, some choose to come here, when we actually do not want them here at all.

    Anything sexual or romantic suggested by a pro is reportable.

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

    Catloaf, the entire response from the professional was " I’m totally into seeing you buttercup, when would you like?". I Wasn't looking to put anyone on blast in my original post incase I was overthinking things.

  • I don't think that's good evidence to suggest anything in particular, other than that person will use the word buttercup at least sometimes. But that's me.

  • I agree with what the others said above me. When I first read the, "I'm totally into seeing you baby" line I was like uhh that is too weird from a pro. Bad first impression. I would move unto serious pros and let that one be. Also, to answer your main questions... as a pro I don't do a pre meet but I do look and their profile before we book anything. I will just get to know them a bit through their profile and messages that we exchange. No one asked for a pre meet so far either nor do I ever feel like I need it personally so to me it just worked fine without it so far.

  • It definitely sounds like a strange way to approach a potential cuddle client, but I do believe we are dealing with many personalities on this site and perhaps it's just best to get to know the person better before you assume you're over thinking it. That may just be their way of being friendly.

  • When you call to ask if your dentist has any available openings do they ever respond with "I'm totally into seeing you baby"?
    I hope not. 🤣

    Report the pro.

    It won't get them banned based on their choice of pet names, but the moderators can take a closer look at their interactions with other members to ensure that they are not offering non platonic sessions.

  • I'm with @Envie . Pet names are not my thing (do note, anyone that ever decides to PM me!), and if a pro used that with me I'd be very concerned that they're not trying to "upsell" me.

    Does this pro have karma? How much of a story does the karma paint? Did you reach out solely because of how they look or was there something else that drew you in? I don't want to make assumptions about this person, but the little you told us indicates that the answers to those questions are not in your favor.

  • @Envie That's not what they said. Apparently the wording was "I’m totally into seeing you buttercup, when would you like?"...according to one person.

  • edited May 2021


    It sounds like this person might be pseudocuddlus adultservus.

    =) =) =) I think that might be right.

    Alternatively, she may be a Type D cuddler from my list here. She certainly isn't Type A or B or even C, and ideally that's where you should be starting when you are new.

    The lack of a pre-meeting is not suspicious in itself. Not looking at your profile I wouldn't count as that odd either - so many profiles of clients are virtually blank, or I suspect with fake information, that I have long suspected that many professionals pay little or no attention to them. A vast number of initial enquiries lead to nothing, or worse, so it's easy to imagine some professionals just throwing a standard encouraging reply at opening messages and then awaiting developments.

  • @JasonCuddles
    When you call to ask if your dentist has any available openings do they ever respond with ""I’m totally into seeing you buttercup, when would you like?"?
    I hope not. 😉

    Fixed it. Still questionable and worthy of a deeper look. Again it won't get them banned, but it brings the member into the line of sight for mods to check into.

    Reporting costs nothing. Ignoring it and allowing people to fly under the radar being low key escorts costs us members who are here for the right reasons.

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user), Appearance, location and something in common according to the provider's profile ( a movie preference ) were the reasons for reaching out. My original message to the provider was as follows " Hello,
    I was wondering if you are accepting new clients at this time. I've read your profile and if after review of my profile you would be willing to move forward, I'd like to know how to proceed. I am very new to this type of experience. I have no problems with chatting or even meeting in public first to make sure we are both comfortable and feel safe with moving forward and scheduling a cuddle session. Being new to this and more than a little shy until I get to know someone, the filtering process doesn't need to be rushed. I'll follow your lead. To be clear , I have read and understand the rules and would never want to do anything that would be disrespectful. If you were to decide that you didn't want to see me please allow me the courtesy of a quick note letting me know so I don't continue to waste your time with messages.
    Thank you for your time,
    Domenick ( Dom )". The provider has no Karma or friends listed on her page. If my message was inappropriate, please tell me so I can avoid making the same mistakes again.
    ( Sorry, I don't know how to do that shorter tag to someone else at the beginning of my post)

  • edited May 2021

    @Domenick21 to tag somebody just do ... well what I just did.

    Your message is most certainly not inappropriate at all. On the contrary, I would guess it puts you straight into the top 5% of initial messages received, which is perhaps a contributory factor as to why the professional wrote what she did. Nothing for her to think about, you're a yes.

    And for the avoidance of doubt, no you are not over-thinking this. You are being cautious, which is wise.

  • My hair stylist calls me sweetie. My esthetician calls me lil sis. Some service professions are more formal than others. If you felt uncomfortable, of course, keep shopping, but calling someone buttercup is not a crime.

    Pro cuddlers are here to cuddle clients. You sent her a lovely introduction, I think it’s reasonable to expect her to say yes without a lot of fanfare. If you’d still like to see her, you can always ask for a phone call to get a better read on things.

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

    If it was just the Buttercup part alone I'd have no problems. It was the other things that I previously listed ,combined with my possibly over cautious nature.

    Thank you to everyone for the input.

  • I wouldn't be terribly concerned about being referred to as a pet name. That's just how some folks talk , even though not necessarily something that should be done without familiarity . Doesn't always means there is a bad motive or intention. Some pros on here are flirty simply due to thinking it will make them more likely to be booked . And to that end , sometimes it does help I suppose. But I wouldn't jump the gun thinking it means there is something wrong about it before exchanging a few messages. Look at the profile, how long they have been on here , karma , and friends. Good luck

  • I can see both sides. Myself personally I don’t look for the initial Flirtatious behavior it does make me a little cautious as well. Is it possible they were being themselves yes is it possible they are looking for other things yes to me it is not worth the risk when all I’m looking for is a cuddle. I also do not like when a professional presents an itinerary to me and makes me feel like they are only in it for the money and no personal connection. I like for it to be somewhere in between where they are personable and professional

  • Good points made by all, it's one indicator, but only one indicator. Are there other indicators to raise cause for concern?

  • I agree with pmvines, to me it sounds like a bit of anxiousness. a few messages and perhaps a neutral meeting place.

  • @pmvines

    That's just how some folks talk , even though not necessarily something that should be done without familiarity .

    True indeed. So yeah usually not when first meeting or messaging since some people wouldn't like that. That pro should wait on calling them that if that's just how they normally talk. It can start later on when they understand each other's comfort levels. One shouldn't have to question what is meant by it or feel uncomfortable. I know if a client messages me talking like that it would confuse me on how to proceed from there and sometimes I just tend to ignore it and they get no reply to their message.

  • @Envie That would be my favourite dentist ever. I love seeing the more fun human and less robotic side of people.

  • @Amortentia yeah even with people who I might talk that way with, it is because we know each other and have that rapport . Living in the south you do hear that sort of thing more often I think than other areas .

  • @Amortentia

    This. All of this.

    Save the informal pet names for once a comfortable relationship has been established.
    It's unprofessional and makes us look like we are offering more especially to new members.
    If the roles were reversed and a male pro had replied to a female looking to hire them I think the lax attitude towards being called buttercup would be a bit different.

    I will call my stranger cashier/server sweetie all the time, it's a southern thing perhaps, but I'm not hoping into a bed with him/ her later for an exchange of money either. I save the informal names for situations outside of an atmosphere that already has a stigma attached to it.

    @Domenick21 your initial message is one most pros here would be ecstatic to receive.
    It was well written, thoughtful of her comfort, and sincere. Which is a stark contrast to the response you received.
    I hope you find a suitable cuddler!

  • When I had just become a student and had been living away from home for less than a day, I went to the canteen for lunch. I approached the hot food counter, and the dinner lady behind it said, "What can I do for you, my loverrrrrr." (Full on West Country accent, for the Brits here. Basically a pirate accent, for everybody else.)

    I was slightly taken aback, and replied "I'm terribly sorry, I'm not sure we've met." She roared with laughter and said not to worry, it's just how we talk in this part of the country. Which, of course, turned out to be true.

  • edited May 2021

    Yes, that would definitely set off an alarm. Highly suspicious and unprofessional.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @CuddleDuncan That story is everything I needed :joy:

  • edited May 2021

    Personally I would not respond in that manner to a potential client because the language is very suggestive.

    Red flag, IMO.

  • [Deleted User]Domenick21 (deleted user)

    I decided to not schedule with the provider in question and notified her. I informed her that i no longer felt comfortable scheduling with her and thanked her for her time.
    Thanks again for all the advise for future use.

  • Run, Forest, Run!

  • edited May 2021

    Being called buttercup by a professional cuddler/stranger is questionable to me, makes me feel like the person is toying with me. Though unlike being called 'baby' it doesn't make me feel alarmed for the same reason. Edit: The over enthusiastic nature of her message to you would also make me take a step back, because it makes me question given that she never even met you, how can she be totally into seeing you.

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