What’s everyone’s favorite color?



  • Purple💜such a lovely color & it gives royalty

  • Technically black is not a color. Whatever though, I still like black.

  • Red and Black

  • Warm tones like burnt orange, mustard yellow

  • I love yellow, but I agree with @carrieanne alco there’s some thing about the blue of the ocean when you’re sitting on a raft and you’re looking out and that’s all you can see is the blue of the ocean it’s mesmerizing that color. I guess consider it ocean blue..

  • I know it’s ok to post off topic threads here, but “what is your favorite color”??? Really??? Come on. As if the internet isn’t clogged enough.

    I’m sorry I’m not a hater so please refrain from attacking me it’s just an honest gripe and I’m being polite about it.

  • sigh It’s lonely in the yellow bunch.

  • @WestsideMarc

    From the forum rules:
    Rubbish: Please refrain from posting meaningless threads and one word (or short) nonsense posts.

    That can be open to interpretation and is handled at the discretion of the mods. In my case, I guess I would consider if it’s a topic people would engage in, and also consider the quality of the other trending topics at the moment. I think I would probably skip a flag on this one since people are answering in, though I certainly see your concern. Though I also made a discussion on spaghetti-ohs so who am I to judge (though I am a mod so I guess judging is my part of the job 😅)

  • @Charlie_Bear asking someone’s favorite color is literally the most shallow, vapid and meaningless question you could ask. I’m sorry brother I just had to chime in on that one.

    On the other hand, SpaghettiOs is of incredible importance in our society, so I’ll leave it at that.

  • @WestsideMarc
    😂😂😂 well I appreciate that and am glad someone understands their important contribution to society 😅

  • no one likes yellow i see 😅

  • I like the aesthetics of greens, browns, and blacks. Particularly olive green... or army green, however you may term it.

  • My favorite color was blue for most of my life but it is now becoming purple. I also like pink because of Kirby.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)
    edited June 2023

    I suppose that, respectfully, some more interesting versions of the question might be:

    “What is your favorite color, and why?”

    “What color comes to mind when you think of your first crush?”

    “What is your favorite color of apple? Is that also your favorite color of cabbage?”

  • edited June 2023

    Oo I have one:

    “If cuddling in a space with rgb lights or a galaxy projector, what color do you prefer the lights to be while cuddling?”

  • edited June 2023

    My daughter's favorite color is yellow and has been since she was a ittle tot, "lellow" was how she said it. It's such a happy color.

    I prefer earthy colors in deep greens, burgundy, navy because I find them relaxing.
    In the summer I like aqua and coral for the same reasons. They remind me of the beach.

    I like apples that are mostly red with bits of green (Macoun is my favorite apple)
    And I like all types of cabbage 😋

  • Not enough options

  • Id say white and black

  • I can never choose between zomp and and lapis lazuli.

  • edited June 2023

    Im surprised no one has mentioned puce ir turqoise... turqoise rocks and silks are cool... now, if I were a a butterfly, I might say ultraviolet is my favorite color. If I were a rattlesnake I might say infrared is my favorite. Why cant we see colors other creatures can see? I feel left out.

  • @WestsideMarc if I want to buy you a sweater that you'll actually wear, you'd be more likely to do so if it were your favorite color. So I disagree that asking one's favorite color is shallow, vapid or meaningless, and I actually do know quite a few friends' favorite colors.
    If you'd like to buy me a sweater, I prefer jewel tones...

  • Agreed @CuddleDuncan Those are my favorite colors too. Along with that blue/purple within a flame.

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