Do you stretch

I mean

Is that related to cuddling


  • I stretch every day, whether I’m cuddling or not. It’s just flat out good for you. ☺️

  • It’s a bit of a stretch to say it is.

  • I'd say it depends on how long the session is. If it's going to be longer than an hour, I usually make time to stretch before and after, especially if I'm with a client who likes to stay in one position.

  • [Deleted User]EdoubleN18sngl (deleted user)

    I usually take breaks and stretch about every hour and a half or so during a cuddle. Unless it’s one of those great kind where you both are just completely comfortable and quiet together! Just enjoying the cuddles

  • For some (me) it's a bit risky. The other day I through out my back putting in eye drops.😱 May have to update my profile to a Cuddle Light enthusiast.

  • edited June 2021

    No. I used to feel guilty about not stretching. About the only time I did it was when I was demonstrating how to do a particular stretch to a client. Then I read the research. Stretching is overrated. There’s almost no real benefit. I breathed a sigh of relief, I could stop feeling guilty for not stretching. It can feel good and if it does, do it, but it’s not necessary. People don’t need to feel bad for not doing it. There are some conditions which stretching can make worse and there are some sports where stretching can actually degrade one’s performance. It has not been shown to prevent injuries, as has been commonly believed.

    In other words, most of what we have been told about stretching isn’t true.

    When we’re still for long periods of time, like sitting at a computer or a long cuddling session, getting up and moving will counter the stiffness we may start to feel from being in the same position for an extended length of time. Stretching is one form of movement that may people enjoy but it’s the movement, not stretching per se, that’s countering the effect of prolonged inactivity.

    Here’s a good article about the research on stretching written by a guy who has been following the research for 20 years. He periodically updates his articles based on what new research is learning.

  • [Deleted User]BigBear4Cuddles (deleted user)

    I used to do a decent yoga session daily and stretched after working out. Being a powerlifter, I needed to stretch a lot in order to keep mobility and not just become a muscle-bound cloud of muscle. I was very flexible and the regular stretching was great for me.

    Now that I'm not lifting anymore, I've stopped stretching and have let my body go into general disrepair. After a long cuddle sesh (or sleep), my body is like "You want me to move? What?! REEEE!"

    Involving partner stretching with cuddles, though, would really elevate a session and bring kinesiology into cuddling. 🤔 Yoga cuddles. I'm down.

  • Yes! I absolutely stretch. It feels good especially around my tight hips. In session I offer partner stretching. It ends up being more playful than anything else but is a great way to laugh and be silly.

  • The website cited above is a blog, it's not a source of news at all so take that with a grain of salt.

  • Huh. Sometimes my body forces me to and I make squeally noises like a cat might while doing it. But I don't do it intentionally because the one time when I did I ended up with locked charlie horses in both calves ~ It was so flippin painful!! So yeah, no stretches for me.

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