If there was an Animal Cuddle Comfort 🐵



  • @CandyL love to meet them one day!

  • @teddybear512 I assume NYC there'd be a lot of them! I'm in California and we have one in SF, one in Oakland and one in San Jose and probably more in other cities nearby too

  • edited June 2021

    @CandyL chickens and roosters can be cuddlingness too!

  • @MxSmith I’m in! But I need one for puppies!
    Allergic to cats😭
    This is what we have in Memphis, I used to pop a couple of allergy meds and go hang out there till
    I didn’t rescue my furry baby.


    Also picture of the day is TaDa!!!![] cuddle bugs🥰(https://i.imgur.com/7CM6sN7.jpg)

  • This!!! an article titled, "What Science Says About Animals That Love Human Cuddles" is a food for thought piece (which also served as hunch confirmation for me), with a mess of adorable animal cuddle videos embedded throughout (the main reason I'm sharing it!) and it has some links to support further nerding as well (Whee! Behavioral science, evolution theories, and cuddles - oh my!)!!

    Anyway, wishing all you animal affecionados out there a Happy Monday and I hope you enjoy it!!

  • @quixotic_life THAT was a good read!

  • Polar bear 🐻‍❄️ Cubs & lion cubs look so cuddly

  • edited July 2021

    Cause sometimes we just need a hug!

  • edited July 2021

    It is a great idea, but just talking to other people and then if someone likes someone, then maybe they can arrange a cuddle session with them right there. Probably at a state level or a few main places in each state. Nationwide is too many people.

    I don't want animals there though. I love animals but I really am not into touching them as much as other people. I'm a clean guy and don't like anything less clean :)

  • [Deleted User]sage_wisdom (deleted user)

    there wouldn’t be. there’s no need. Animals are have a natural propensity to cuddle. it’s instinctual. Not all humans are that way.

  • There's nothing in this world that can replace the warmth of human..

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @sage_wisdom: Ahh, you're thinking of a CuddleComfort for animals by animals.

    This thread is suggesting a CuddleComfort for humans using animals.

  • [Deleted User]sage_wisdom (deleted user)

    @DarrenWalker no no I understood the implication of the title.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited July 2021

    @sage_wisdom: Oh. So you got that the animals' needs aren't the ones being considered here? And that the idea is for their owners to kind of loan them out to strangers?

    Edit: It's not like you can just cuddle a random alley cat or raccoon. You need an animal that's been bred and/or trained to cuddle humans.

  • [Deleted User]hithere64 (deleted user)

    Hi I am Petey can you be new friend

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Would love something like an animal cuddle comfort! will maybe be a bit boring and say I'd primarily want to cuddle cats.

    Either a house cat or a Cheetah if that was an option. Cheetahs are apparently pretty prone to anxiety, and some have emotional support dogs/in some zoos and whatnot there are volunteer positions for keeping them calm at night.

  • @zundar ~ I was awwing 🥰🥰🥰 all the way through!! I'm so glad to have seen this... 💗

  • edited July 2021

    @Zundar I loved the video I heard about the emotional support dogs isn’t it wonderful! @quixotic_life I want to be part of that cuddle puddle 🤩🤩

  • Me too!!! 🥰🐆🐆🐆

  • @Melomaniac9 ~ Omg!! That is priceless!!! I love how he has to cover his face because he's so overcome with emotion! I have a feeling this was after quite some time apart, based on the human reactions too. But still, this is so, so sweet!!
    You're right... I love it!!! 🥰🐒

  • edited July 2021

    @DarkLordChungus - re: leaving animals alone - I’m generally not in favor of keeping animals as pets. It feels like exploitation to me. That being said, I now have a rabbit. I did not intend on adopting an animal but I started volunteering at a rabbit shelter. We currently have 165 rabbits. Last year we took in and found homes for somewhere between 350 - 400 rabbits. Some were dumped by cruel humans, some were bought as baby bunnies by humans who then, six months later, realized they don’t stay babies forever and now they don’t want that cute little bunny any more so they bring them to the shelter, and some were born at the shelter because the mother bunny was pregnant when we got her. (It’s hard to tell.) The one I live with now was abandoned and found wandering about last November. She needed a home. I decided to take responsibility for her.

    I still am not crazy about the popularity of pets but humans keep churning out these domesticated animals and then abandoning them. They need homes. So I decided to provide one with a home. I try to give her a good life. We keep each other company. She’s been good for my mental health and I’ve kept her from being some predator’s next meal.

    IF humans are going to have companion animals, they should get them from shelters and not buy them from pet stores and breeders. And make sure they don’t reproduce. And give them a good life.

    People who want to hang with animals but don’t want to own one can volunteer at shelters. They often need help. When we get the basics covered, we try to spend some time with the rabbits. I took on three rabbits that had problem personalities and was successful at socializing two of them to the point where they were no longer aggressive and were adopted out. The third was a tough nut and I didn’t have the time to make much progress with her but someone who was experienced with rabbits did adopt her and I later heard she eventually calmed down.

    We don’t even charge you to come and hang with them, just volunteer to help cover their basic needs (feed, water, clean the cages) and then stay some extra time and hang out with the bunnies.

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