Where is everyone?

I’m glad this site doesn’t cost money because my area is absolutely dead with almost no members. Even when I expand my search to 200 miles, there’s still like maybe 15 people tops and half of them haven’t been online in months. I even started messaging the very limited amount of professionals and they don’t ever reply. I’ve never said anything sexual, weird or inappropriate. That’s not what I’m here for.


  • Welcome. 🇨🇦 I'd suggest messaging the ones who were inactive for a long time to check if they are still looking. You just might get lucky. Though platonic cuddling has yet to gain traction and depending on the area, seriously interested parties are far and between as far as I know.

  • Somtimes you have to be patient, but it's worth it.

  • There are wonderful pros here who travel & may be headed your way sometime in the near future …

  • @Tschmitt351 - If you open up your interest to cuddling with people of any gender or orientation, then that will open up your options for potential cuddle matches even more.

    But that is not everyone’s cup of tea.
    Your best next bet is what @cuddles_ndream mentioned about searching for cuddle Pros who travel through your town and/or state.

  • @Tschmitt351 ~ Not sure how well either of the following work, but you could try posting in the Cuddle Request Forum (maybe even scan first for others in cities near you) and to post in the Pros Forum that you're looking for someone considering upcoming travels to your area (again, search for near by cities mentioned because sometimes Pros will post their travel itineraries there).

    And like others said, hang in there. Participating in the forums, messaging those you're interested in as a person (too far away to cuddle but want to connect with), and working on your profile while waiting can all help keep one in a positive head-space.

    Good luck & welcome to CC!

  • Eh, I only do this part time and have to turn down potentials due to not being avail on Monday,, Tues , or Wed. I would def do like the others have mentioned above and chang your preferences. Also switch up your pictures and revamp your profile. Good luck!

  • There should be something done to people who haven't been active for months. Disable their account or something. It gets the hopes up of finding potential cuddlers in the area.

  • @Libra0 i get that you but I hope they don’t do this …. A lot of awesome people here take breaks for whatever reasons & come back, I wouldn’t want them permanently gone, especially if they did nothing wrong & all they did was not log in for a while.

  • @librao ~ When searching you can adjust the amount of time since they've been online, and though I wish they had a, "within the last 3 to 6 months" option, by default they are arranged from 'most recently' on the site to longest time off. So once you see returns outside your preferred window, you know to either stop looking, reset your filters, or whatever...

  • This website is very dead for British people i think it's not dead for Americans cuddles are not popular in UK

  • Hey I would cuddle you if I were closer than 800+ miles away! 🙂🤗

  • @alexis831 thank you that’s very kind! 😊

  • @Tschmitt351 🤗 and I mean it!

  • So sorry you are 445 miles away, you seem very cuddlable.

  • Whenever I post cuddle request I'll just get views, and when I message them they barely respond. I agree with Libra0, they're account should at least not be visible to anyone until they're active again.

  • @Tschmitt351 welcome to CC! I’d be your cuddle buddy if you were closer🤩
    If I’m ever in your neck of the woods I’ll holler at you 🫂🫂

  • @Melomaniac9 thats very sweet of you thanks! :)

  • They are all at the bowling alley

  • Thy are still in Quarantine.
    Still taking precautions to come out.

  • it's your time to shine! You are now cuddle central, wherever it is you live

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