Delta and new Lambda variant

Peace & Blessings to All. How do you feel about the new variants of Covid that is spreading? I'm vaccinated and is worried about spreading it to elderly family members and unvaccinated people if I am asymptomatic. I get tested every week. I go today at 5. The virus is serious. My 2yr old granddaughter have it 😢. Her family is against vaccine. My heart is broken to watch her suffer from a distance and can't help her. So if your not vaccinated are u considering taking it? And if you are vaccinated are you getting tested regularly so u keep yourself and others safe?



  • Most of the ones I'm seeing in the hospital affected by this regardless of age and health have not been vaccinated

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)

    Even after being vaccinated, wearing a mask and social distancing are wise actions.

  • @MayFlowers Worrying will not help, in fact, it can weaken the immune system. I hope your granddaughter pulls through it well! 🌻

    I am still on the fence about getting vaccinated. Mainly relying on wearing a mask, good hygiene, and limiting my contacts with others. As well as isolating/social distancing for at least 10 days even if asymptomatic, before meeting someone else to sit close with and converse.


    Even after being vaccinated, wearing a mask and social distancing are wise actions.

    I agree!

  • I still mask and distance, better safe than sorry plus working in healthcare just seems like the responsible thing to do

  • The average age of those hospitalized is now at 34 years old. It is taking out the young and healthy now. Everyone should mask and distance, but if you are unvaccinated you should really stay away from the kids under 12.

  • Pfizer, Moderna, J&J vaccines work to teach your cells to attack the Covid virus. This technique/technology (mRNA, messenger RNA vaccines) has 20+ years of solid scientific research and progress, accelerated by this world-wide pandemic. Misinformation campaigns (willful or just plain ignorance) rely on the unfounded and untrue claims that these vaccines interact with or change our DNA: the mRNA vaccines for Covid never enters the nucleus of the cell, which is where our DNA (our genetic material) is kept.

    Per Kaiser-Permanente: "In images of the coronavirus, there are spikes sticking out from all sides, which are actually proteins. The mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 contain the instructions cells need to make a piece of the spike protein but not the fully functioning COVID-19 virus. The formation of these spike proteins tricks your body into making an immune response against the spike protein, which works to protect you against the COVID-19 virus if you are exposed to it. This immune response is what gives you protection against the disease."

    If you're in a high risk group, get vaccinated. If you have questions, talk to your doctor - and get vaccinated. Still in doubt? Get vaccinated.

    If you're still not sure, know that there is a window of time IF you get exposed to Covid in which you could be eligible for Covid-treatments or studies, but this is dependent on 1) how many days since you've tested positive and 2) your blood/oxygen levels. I am friends with a network of infectious disease doctors and I've heard first-hand stories of siblings or family members who come in for treatment: family member A starts treatment and improves immediately, family member B declines and is taken to emergency and some die within days - or are intubated and slowly decline. Even if you've had Covid, talk with your doctor about getting vaccinated. Covid was bad enough, but these variants are much much worse.

  • @Sideon Pres Biden just said the other day if you get vaccinated you won’t get covid. So I’ll believe him.
    I’m vaccinated and I don’t mask or socially distance because Fauci said if you’re vaccinated you don’t need to do so outdoors.
    Peace out.

  • @Ironman294 "Fauci said if you’re vaccinated you don’t need to do so outdoors."

    Mind providing the source for that claim?

  • I’m vaccinated and so happy that my youngest is 12 and was able to get it. I feel bad for parents of little ones who can’t. And I hope your granddaughter is better quickly.

    I have been super careful about covid from the start. Basically stayed home for a year and a half until I was vaxxed. But I have never been tested. How long have you been getting tested once a week? Are you at some special risk for getting it, like a healthcare worker or working close w lots of people?

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)


    Simply because you won't manifest systems doesn't mean you cannot transmit it to others.

    Please be a responsible, considerate adult for those who cannot be vaccinated, such as children, or those with compromised immune systems, such as patients that still need to visit doctors offices, pharmacies, and treatment centers.

  • @CharlesThePoet im not around kids but kids don’t show symptoms and rarely get aick from the virus. And of the 600k Americans that have died less than 350 have been anyone under 18.
    If you’re a health worker you know it’s transmissible only close contact indoors if someone has it and is sneezing or the droplets get into the other persons nose.
    Like Biden said if you get vaccinated you can’t get covid and yes Fauci has said if vaccinated you don’t need to mask outside or social distance. He original said you should then admitted he didn’t wanna give the wrong message but indeed said you’d not need to mask.

  • edited July 2021

    Scroll thru the stories
    I can’t paste a screenshot of Fauci s quote
    CDC even says indoors if fully vaccinated you don’t need to wear masks except for certain circumstances.

  • @Ironman294 you can copy paste the direct quote of him saying that vaccinated people don't need to wear a mask along with the article link.

    I found no mention of Fauci saying that in the article you shared:

    Sorry, what's the source for that?

    "COVID-19 vaccines are effective. However, a small percentage of people who are fully vaccinated will still get COVID-19 if they are exposed to the virus that causes it. These are called “vaccine breakthrough cases.” This means that while people who have been vaccinated are much less likely to get sick, it will still happen in some cases. It’s also possible that some fully vaccinated people might have infections, but not have symptoms (asymptomatic infections). Experts continue to study how common these cases are." -

  • edited July 2021


    Scrolling through the articles in the link @Ironman294 shared, is this one that mentions both, "Fauci" and "wearing masks" ~ Where he says to still wear them...

    Other than that, there's nothing.

    I just don't get what the big deal is though... it's a flippin mask. Think of all the non-covidy things it could protect you and others from. People are gross and masks are an easy prevention strategy. Plus, air quality indexes are all over the place.

    Why would you want to breathe in a mess of crap you don't have to? It's so short sighted... Sheesh! Just wear one!!
    😷 SMH... people... 🙄 so disappointing... 🙇‍♀️

    ::edited typos & added opinions::

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)


    When people show you how selfish and short-sighted they are, believe them.

    It’s the nearest to warning signs we get.

  • @Ironman294 - Do your Covid deaths under 18 include the Delta and other variants? Seems almost like you're trivializing 600K deaths (and counting). As a reminder, if you want to post stats, you'd better back it up with hard data and a valid source. Nat'l Enquirer won't cut it.

    Simplistic deconstruction of your argument for personal responsibility... but if I drive drunk, shouldn't you be safe with your seat belt on? Or hey, I peed in the pool over here, you should be safe over in the shallow end. Right?

    Don't get vaccinated. It is your choice. But you don't get to complain when businesses, airlines, or other countries keep you out because hey, that's their choice to ensure safety. Personal freedoms do not trump public health and safety.

  • Looks like you guys are calling President Biden a liar because he said if you get vaccinated you won’t get covid. Shame on you for doing so. Qho is trivializing those are your words not mine, you do the math what’s 340 from 600k? This is a virus that affects mostly older people and those that have underlying conditions. You can choose to continue living in fear of this. I’m vaccinated so I already did my job.

  • “ “I think people are misinterpreting, thinking that this is a removal of a mask mandate for everyone. It’s not,” he told Axios. “It’s an assurance to those who are vaccinated that they can feel safe, be they outdoors or indoors.”
    Fauci emphasized that the health agency did not explicitly tell unvaccinated people to go without masks but instead communicated to vaccinated individuals that they will not get infected indoors or outdoors.”

  • edited July 2021

    @Ironman294 This is typical of someone who wants to hear what they want to hear and look at statements as immutable. Your source story is over two months old. Things have changed. Most of the child cases and deaths have come in the last four weeks and they continue to grow exponentially. The variants are attacking the young now. Science is allowed to change when facts dictate. You should be masking up in indoor public spaces and crowded outdoor area. Children and young adults are at an exceedingly high risk of contracting these new variants and the numbers are bearing this out.

    On a side note, thank you for getting vaccinated.

  • To control you with fear, they tell you what you need to hear.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited July 2021

    I got my second vaccine way earlier than I expected, which is freakin' delightful :) Thankfully, enough people in Toronto have been vaccinated at this point that our case counts have plummeted and stayed low despite the city reopening. WOOHOOO

    I'm not super worried about catching the virus right now, but I'm still taking the usual precautions - masking up, washing/sanitizing my hands, avoiding crowds, and not spending too much time in public indoor spaces. Hopefully Lambda doesn't come up here and kick all our asses again. I'm sick to death of this pandemic.

  • Honestly, the new variants are a little concerning. Especially since they are affecting the young more than the older variants. What is especially frustrating is the fact that a good sized chunk of the population refuses to get vaccinated, and generally have not adhered to the safety measures. Especially since every person who gets infected increases the chance of a new, more dangerous variant.

    Despite being vaccinated I still am cautious. I wear a mask when I am close to others, wash my hands regularly, and generally keep my distance from others. I have younger family members that are not vaccinated and an aunt that is wary of the vaccine. I would prefer to not chance being a vector for them to be infected. Even if it's a small chance, I don't want to chance it.

    Sigh, I can't wait till we can put this behind us. Sadly, That said, there is a certain peace of mind knowing that my other household members and I are fully vaccinated. It doesn't feel as anxiety inducing to be around other people. I have found that I can relax a bit compared to before.

  • In interesting news from this side of the pond, new cases have been dropping quite sharply over the last week. But nobody knows why.

    There are theories, and a bunch of obvious and significant variables, and we should know in perhaps ten days or so once some more data has come in. But it just indicates that we are still very much in a period of uncertainty.

    Rules and regulations are different in each country and territory. Politicians and public health leaders shade their statements to promote whatever strategy they are pursuing. Officialdom has access to more data than is published. In other words, don't take anything too literally.

    Every day you don't get vaccinated, or don't wear a mask, you are volunteering for the Extinction Variant Development Programme.

  • The hospital in Mississippi are full, we are seeing the overflow coming into Tennesse.
    It’s a bit scary since the variant is affecting the kids.

  • Our country's so ignorant that only 50% on average have been fully vaccinated, and now we're staring down the sawed-off double barrel shotgun of the Delta and Lamba variants.

    I got vaccinated months ago, sure I had some side effects, as vaccines typically have done since invention, and I got over it and have not been infected that I know of.

    I don't know how many have read this thread and been afraid to post their opinion because they're anti-vax or afraid of getting vaccinated. I can tell you as someone who typically hasn't gotten flu vaccines, and doesn't like shots, and doesn't like doctor visits period, and used to love conspiracy theories... vaccines will end the pandemic, paranoia will fuel it.

  • I am fully vaccinated. For those of who aren't what is stopping you from getting it? And @MayFlowers I'm sorry you have got through that with your grandbaby. My prayers are with you and I hope she makes a full recovery and the parents turn their thinking around.

  • I work in a family practice and we are seeing “some” vaccinated people test positive. But, they aren’t really sick. The ones who aren’t vaccinated- that’s another story. :( remember you can spread covid even if you are a little sick and think it’s “a sinus infection” if you have covid. Be safe y’all!

  • @cuddleanurse ~ What symptoms did the vaccinated people have? Asking for... um..
    a friend. Yah. For a friend. 👀

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