Delta and new Lambda variant



  • 385k people attended Lollapalooza in Chicago where it was mandatory to be vaccinated against COVID. There were only 203 cases linked to that event. I guess the vaccine must have worked.

  • @Mike403 and out of the 203 cases, the severity was minor. Maybe it was the vaccine that saved them? I bet a second grader could answer that, but there are some grown ass adults that can’t.

  • @FunCartel A second grader doesn't have very sophisticated analytical ability to understand the nuances of effects, correlations, causations, etc. 🤔 I would expect more from adults with more developed brains and education. 😆 But I'm certain the vaccine likely helped make that event a success regardless. 😊

  • edited August 2021

    @ubergigglefritz uh, you are giving way too much credit to some of these adults. There was a 23 yo girl that was just intubated because she always thought Covid was like a cold. As @Mike403 said, the lost brain cells one can get from the reasoning of many of these people would make a lobotomized person wince. Besides your last sentence is what most second graders would conclude. The six year old girl on my block would even get that—she knocked on my door a few weeks back and asked if I had been vaccinated. When I said yes she handed me a yellow dandelion.

  • @FunCartel I was just saying that arguing that a second grader would conclude something, and adults should automatically conclude the same thing, isn't a very good argument. ;-) There are endless things that second graders believe that adults know to be wrong. Or do you still believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny? O:-)

  • edited August 2021

    @ubergigglefritz Are you really that literal? I thought you could figure out it wasn’t meant to be literal. Besides, kids only believe what you tell them about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny if you want to go down that path. What you can’t seem to fathom is that kids can often cut through the bullshit and grasp the obvious when many adults can’t because they do not overanalyze everything and see something for what it is. That is pretty much the argument. Can they do Organic Chemistry? Nope.

  • @FunCartel Yes, I take arguments literally when someone is trying to argue that I'm stupid. ;-) You are right that a plus to kids is that they say things as they see them without over analyzing things, but they also don't understand the difference between correlation and causation, and they are less likely to understand that one example does not indicate anything about universal truths, that each situation is different and unique and may see different results because of that uniqueness. Anyway, agree to disagree. Onwards. =)

  • @ubergigglefritz Uh this is what happens when you have some doubt or guilt in your mind—you think everything is about you. I was referring to Mike’s mention of the Lollapalooza post and the millions who refuse the vaccine on the grounds of I don’t if it’s safe or aliens are being injected into me. If you see yourself in that group then I am not stopping you.

    On a side note everyone knows that second graders do not understand correlations, causation, allegories etc. That is pretty obvious. You may not be stupid but you willfully miss the point by arguing minutiae and common knowledge as a form of argumentation which is something second graders will do—arguing literally because they do not understand the abstract.

  • U2 injected their new album into every COVID vaccine.

  • 🤦‍♀️ I recognize that you feel that way about arguing with you, if you can recognize that I feel the exact same way about arguing with you, lol. 😆 Human brains are funny. We are all basically the same, even when we think we are oh so different from everyone else... 🤷‍♀️

  • @Mike403 LOL 🤣🤣🤣

  • I wish they could have injected time released caffeine into the vaccination.

  • @parkwayvisual You are onto something there.

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