do you remember the day you turned 21?

What were you doing / what did you think / how did it go?



  • Drill Sgt had me doing push ups in the dirt 😆

  • Oh nvm thay was Basic when I turned 20. 21 I was in 🇰🇷 and I had my first 🍸 it was a bud 💡 and it was so grows

  • edited October 2021

    @craM At least it wasn’t Natty Light. South Korea is a wonderful country I am told. I am envious.

  • Nope. I remember very few of my birthdays. The exceptions: turning 30, 50, and 60.

  • I think that was the year I opted out of university and didn’t have a home, so I don’t remember specifically 🤔

  • edited October 2021

    Yes. We had a family dinner at Desert Ridge Marketplace restaurant in Scottsdale, AZ and then my slightly older (21 and 25 at the time) male cousins took me to Fat Tuesday’s nearby afterwards for my first legal drink. I had a shot of what was called a “test tube baby” that was served in a test tube 🧪 container, and a Jell-O shot, and even those they had to convince me to have and I thought they were fairly nasty. I’ve never been a big drinker. And even those two weak drinks my teetotaler, fundamentalist, fuddy duddy father gave me a hard time about drinking when he found out. Like, really? Most people in my generation got smashed, falling down drunk for their 21st. That’s all I remember about the day. My cousins trying to have some fun with me and my controlling father’s guilt trips.

  • edited October 2021

    Yep. It was the night I first tried rum. There was a party at my friends apartment and me & another friend had just turned 21 so someone purchased some kind of cake flavored rum that my bestie chose to mix with koolaid. Don't remember if there was anything else I tried. I don't drink very often but it I had fun. Everyone got too trashed to go anywhere but our group is pretty responsible & keys were taken ahead of time so that there wouldn't be any funny ideas.

    Just curious @TheMidnightOwl does your father also drink? My dad got on my case about it too when he found out, which I found ironic because he's the biggest drunk I know.

  • @Shake49
    That’s sad to hear but could be him fearing a following in his footsteps.

    To answer your question, no, my dad is a teetotaler = completely abstains from alcohol.

  • @craM lol 😅 if I may what made you join? Ty for your service! 👊🏻

    @Babichev i hardly remember any of my birthdays as I don’t mention it and just treat it as any other day … my mom always makes it special ♥️ but if it weren’t for that, it would literally be just another day of the week.

    @FunCartel i think coors light is the worst, I might as well just drink water lol

    @Sheena123 oh wow so many questions … life is crazy / a wonder when we look back

    @TheMidnightOwl lol that was fun to read

    @Shake49 lol I’m the same when it comes to hard liquor 🥃 not a fan 😣 but I love love an ice cold beer 🍻 😋

  • @cuddles_ndream I think with more Americans on this site, you’re going to get a few more where turning 21 is significant because that’s your legal drinking age. In Canada, it’s 19. So turning 21 is just a regular boring age to turn for Canadians. Lol 😂 so it’s hard to remember an insignificant date. I remember 19 clear as day!

  • On my 21st my friends all stopped by my work throughout the day to drop off money for me to go shopping at the liquor store after. They all had also chipped in to buy me a pair of Sorels (I'd moved in the Spring to a town that was close to 10,000 ft, from California, and was soooo unprepared)! They all brought stuff over for a big group dinner with a dessert I don't remember.... I was a wee-bit schnockered by then so... 🤷‍♀️ But it was great and I felt truly loved and cared for by my community. In fact I often wish I could go back to that time in my life... sigh... it was so good.

  • @Sheena123 😅 19 sounds very reasonable… I’ve always wondered why someone is allowed to join the armed forces at 18 (17 with parents consent) but can’t drink till 21 …. Now I’m curious about your 19th birthday lol

  • @cuddles_ndream pretty good night 👍🏻 As soon as I turned 19, I looked up all the bars that did karaoke. Went out with my friends blind dad and his mom. Sang some tunes, played pool with a cute boy (that ended up being my first husband 🙄), had one drink. Crazy night lol then went home and ate a whole entire marble McCain cake. Good ol days lol

  • @Sheena123 😅 when I started reading your first sentence, I thought you were going to say, “As soon as I turned 19, I looked up all the stars” & it was bars 😂 sound really cool, you definitely had a blast! 😃

  • yes! I had just moved down to sunny FL a couple days prior to my 21st birthday! didnt know much about the good hang out spots so I went to a place called FIRED UP with a friend who helped me move 🥳🥳 good times for sure!!

  • I have no idea. No-one made a big deal when I turned 21. I don't remember any birthday being made a big deal of. All of my milestone events were planned and executed by myself on my own timetable, not according to what society dictates. That would be getting my first motor vehicle at 17, my first trip abroad at 20, and moving overseas at 30. After that I measured time differently, 'years since I was born' turned into 'years since I moved overseas'.

  • @SweetMeLL I think its really cool a lot of you are able to remember the exact name of the spot you all visited 😃 all I remember was being in a 7-eleven (I mean, how can I forget 7-eleven 😅😂🤣)

  • [Deleted User]abap (deleted user)

    I remember waking up and finding out I had gotten a message from a friend. It wasn't about my birthday but it was still good. Gotten a Tampa Bay Rays hoodie as a gift and ended up going to Zaxby's for a birthday cake shake and some wings lol

  • @cuddles_ndream it actually became my official hang out for a few yrs! excellent ladies night specials 😹😹 n did u buy beer at 7-11?

  • @SweetMeLL damnnn fired up seems like the only spot 🍻 🍹 🍔 🎶 😋 😃 nothing better than finding that perfect spot!! & yesss 😅 I remember buying a case of Budweiser with my friends / a pack of cigs smh @ us 🤦‍♂️ & feeling down like wow, I’m getting old I can’t believe I just turned 21 😔 😂😂

  • it really was til it closed down and turned into a Starbucks! there were multiple levels w different music genre on each! n LOL 😹😹 dang, only downhill from there!! well, at least u still have the memory!

  • I finish my shift couple min early working at Ralph. ( bout 11:55pm something like that)
    Couple more min till my birthday.

    So next store which thy close more late. ( I think it was Thrifty) I try to buy liquor at exactly 12AM. Already my birthday.
    The idiot didn't let me.

  • @SweetMeLL smh @ “it turned into a Starbucks” … sucks to see these real authentic spots turn into corporate ones 🤦‍♂️ & yes 😅 I’m 37 … 3 more years till 40 definitely downhill, I’m for sure not getting any younger & I could mess around & be somebody’s grandfather out here lol

    Damnnn @Chris04 😅 he ruined it for you , did you not have an I.d.? Either way sucks I hope you were able to find another spot

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    Yup. I didn't drink so my homeboy told me to open my mouth and he squirted liquid LSD (Amber) in my mouth. I started the trip talking about combinatorics, then talking about free will, then I couldn't talk and lost self-awareness. There's really no way to explain the rest. It's just images in my memory without any emotion attached to them.

  • @Saysoh At least you weren’t driving down the road blinking your lights precipitating a traffic stop. When the cop asks what were you doing you say “driving”. He looks at the wipers going on the windshield. It is Virginia Beach in the summer without a cloud in the sky, 80 degrees and around midnight. He inquires why you were blinking the lights and running the wipers.

    “Because the waves are crashing on the windshield. Blinking the lights help me see better and the wipers are for getting the water off.”

    True story. Only it was me. And when I said that it wasn’t improvised. It was what I truly believed at that moment, because I really did see the blacktop come alive and turn into water waves, so this was all a very natural reaction for me. And I giggled because the cop was funny looking.

    He let me go because I was four blocks from home and he said if he caught me out anymore that night he was running me in. He followed me home. That was 41 years ago. The right blotter is something else. I am way too afraid of that stuff now.

  • @cuddles_ndream yes, it was a sad, sad day in the small town of ocala, FL 😹 n hey, I'm 42 and I'm here to say, it ain't so bad!! we may not get younger but we certainly get wiser and that is so much better than the young, dumb thing! and as far as I knew, grandpas are usually people's favorite kind of relatives 😀

  • edited October 2021

    @SweetMeLL i just tried to put a spin to the “down hill” part lol, & I have no idea why I felt like that when turning 21 lol I embrace my age now (although I’ll forever be a kid at heart ☺️, I see every new year as a blessing & an opportunity to get closer to my goals & learn more all around, & yes you’re absolutely right, grandparents are my absolute fav & when my grandma’s in town I forever want to meet up with her / mom / aunts ect & take them out & enjoy time with them … they tease me though - they’re like , “look at him taking us old ladies out instead of hanging out” - my mom usually does the teasing lol 😂

  • aww the sweet connection of the circle of life!! I love it!! 🥰🥰

  • Thank you ♥️ 🌌

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)
    edited October 2021

    Edited: My apologies.
    I have clearly overshared.
    After receiving more than a few messages from some of the "healers" on site, chiding me for my violent past, it's best if I simply shut up, and take a break.

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